National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Core DBP Dartmouth Data NA-MIC National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Brain Imaging Laboratory Departments of Psychiatry and Radiology, Dartmouth Medical School Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, New Hampshire New Hampshire Hospital, Concord, New Hampshire
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Sample of six healthy controls with complete multi-modality data series (GE 1.5T LX scanner): - SPGR T1-weighted Volume and T2 Axial Series - Diffusion Tensor Series - Functional MRI Recognition Task Goal: provide template for reading DHMC data formats and test of de-identification and upload Initial Dartmouth MRI Data Set
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Raw MRI Data: SPGR T1 Volume Acquisition plane: coronal Slice Thickness:1.5 mm (no skip) Number of Slices:124 TR:25 ms TE:3 ms (min) FOV:24 cm NEX:1 Scan Matrix:256 x 256 Image Matrix:256 x 256 Voxel Dim: x x 1.5 mm Acquisition Time:10 min 18 sec Format:DICOM
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Raw MRI Data: T2 Series Acquisition plane: axial Slice Thickness:3.0 mm (no skip) Number of Slices:48 TR:3000 ms TE:25 ms FOV:24 cm NEX:1 Scan Matrix:256 x 256 Image Matrix:256 x 256 Voxel Dim: x x 3.0 mm Acquisition Time:4 min 12 sec Format:DICOM
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Raw MRI Data: DTI Series Acquisition: Single-shot spin-echo EPI Acquisition Plane: axial Slice Thickness:3 mm (no skip) Number of Slices:36 TR / TE / NEX:8000 ms / minimum / 4 FOV:24 cm Scan Matrix:128 x 128 Image Matrix (Vox Dim):256 x 256 ( x x 3) Number of Diffusion Directions:12 (plus 2 w/o diffusion) Diffusion Weighting (b-value)800 s/mm 2 Total Number of Images:504 (14 images per slice) Acquisition Time:7 min 28 sec Formats:DICOM & post-processed
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Raw MRI Data: fMRI Time Series Task: Auditory-Verbal Event-Related Recognition (ER-RECOG) Acquisition Sequence: single shot gradient echo EPI Acquisition Plane: sagittal (interleaved) Slice Thickness:5 mm (no skip) Number of Slices:29 TR / TE / FA / NEX:2500 ms / 40 ms / 90 / 1 FOV:24 cm Scan Matrix:64 x 64 Image Matrix (Vox Dim)64 x 64 (3.75 x 3.75 x 5 mm) Repetitions:144 Acquisition Time:6 min. Reconstruction:off-line using epirecon (P file) Preprocessing:Analyze format, then SPM99
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Dartmouth Data: Plans & Next Steps Advanced Imaging Center: Philips Achieva 3Ts (4/05 & 9/05) Schizophrenia Data Sets - SPGR volumes - Labeled frontal subregions - Labeled hippocampus - fMRI Semantic activation Healthy Controls - Larger series - Multiple modalities (fMRI, DTI) - Labeled medial temporal regions Data from other clinical populations: bipolar, PTSD, MCI/AD
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Hippocampal Shape Analysis A. The hippocampus was manually traced in an oblique coronal plane along its long axis with reference to markers placed in orthogonal sections. C. Surface renderings of the 3D model of the symmetric hippocampal template in several arbitrary rotations reflect shape information. B. Orthogonal views of the hippocampal template. A 3D ROI was constructed for each subject’s hippocampi. All ROIs were registered and scaled to a standard volume and then warped to the template. Saykin et al, NeuroImage 13(6): S1096
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing FA Map registered to SPGR volume Segmented SPGR T1 volume SPGR T1 volume Example: DTI and SPGR-Registered
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing fMRI of Normal Memory Circuitry Working Memory: 2-back TaskSemantic Memory: Category and Function Exemplar Tasks Johnson et al, Aging, Neuropsychology & Cognition (2001) McAllister et al, Neurology (1999)
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Clinical fMRI Studies of Memory Example of neuropharmacological application of fMRI. Treatment by group interaction in MCI patients after donepezil McDonald & Saykin (in press)Saykin et al, Brain, July 2004
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Rules for accessing and using the data Documented IRB training (human subject protection) Data sharing (do not transfer data to other people) Data source study/publication acknowledgement Grant acknowledgements -NIGHS/NI - U54 GM to Ron Kikinis -NIH – R01 AG19771 and R01 CA to Saykin for healthy control data -NARSAD grants to Flashman and Saykin for schizophrenia data* * upload pending Contact us for help with any questions