Create playground for network engineers and other scientists who need experimental network s for testing new designs, proof new concepts and idea needed for Future Internet Main feature: Main goal: Each group of users should play in FEDERICA independently, fully separated from other players
You have to know well the system which you want to monitor, measure, manage Motto:
From as or
Virtualization helps us make a identical copies Virtualization helps us make a identical copies Virtualization helps us make a identical copies Virtualization helps us make a identical copies
How we can achieve this ?
Typical site infrastructure From Core POP Non Core POP Via virtual networks Via virtual nodes
a/ Multiply nodes b/ Allocate new nodes to slices (users playgrounds)
c/ Create new networks
Slice centric (users) Node centric (node managers) Physical centric (FEDERICA NOC)
Physical level - Basic Orientation Map (based on SNMP)
Tools available from SNMP Last 24 hours week months
FEDERICA Host reachability RTT
FEDERICA core VLAN-114 Uplink VLAN-111 VLAN-113 VLAN-112 Site A Site C Site B Site D Practical Slicing Making new networking substrate in selected Vnodes Example for two slices with different network structure Star network: A-D, A-C, A-B (VLAN 101,102,103) Circle network: A-D-B-C-A (VLAN 111,112,113,114) VLAN-103 VLAN-101 VLAN-102 Uplink 802.1q Uplink
Variability in FEDERICA sites Location of MP - Measuring points / edges Slice-8 Slice-1 Ext. Switch JUNIPER MX/EX 104 Slice-3 Ports Uplink Vnode (ESXi Server) vmnic physical Eth. adapters VSwitch-1 VSwitch-3 VNIC (max 4 for VM) OR VSwitch-2 Mgmt.. network 112 VLANsVLANs Networking virtual infrastructure Tagging ends in ext. switches 802.1Q trunk Slice-8 Slice-1 Slice-3 Vnode (ESXi Server) VNIC (max 4 for VM) VSwitch-1 VNIC Networking virtual infrastructure VMware virtual infrastructure Tagging ends in Vswitches Ext. Switch JUNIPER MX/EX 104 Uplink VLANsVLANs vmnic physical Eth. adapters 802.1Q trunk Mgmt.. network Vmware MPs VMware virtual infrastructure SNMP MP eth0 eth1 eth0 This solution has limit in # of VMNICThis solution has no practical limit (due to VMWARE variability) VM
Vmware networking infrastructure opens high variability
11 Slice-8 Slice-1 Ext. Switch ESXi Server FEDERICA core VLAN-113 VLAN-114 Slice-3 Ports Uplink ESXi Server VLAN Slice-8 Slice VLAN-111 VLAN-114 VLAN-113 VLAN Site A Site C Site B Site D Slice-1 Slice-4 Configuration example when tagging ends on external switches (Slices appear and disappear - mapping problem) Slice-3 vmnic Slice-8 ESXi Server Slice-1 Slice-4 Slice VLAN-103 VLAN-104 VLAN-101 Probably the simplest solution but it allows make only (N-1) slices on Vnode if we don’t allow port sharing. ( In our case 7 slices on Vnode) ,103, 104 SNMP VMware Star network: slice 3 Circle network: slice 8
(CESNET SLICE} AS (Poz) VN3 (Mil) VN1 (Prg) VN2 (Erl) Internet private IP addr. space management network The simplest slice example Internet and SLICE Two independent worlds lightly coupled via AS !
Tools available from VMware
Tools available from Vmware (good for managers not users)
Tools available from VMware
Tools available from Vmware - resxtop
Our new tools (node-centric mode)
More details (node-centric mode)
Monitoring tools (slice-centric mode) We still need more work on it We need: - configuration data from central database - more detail coordination with NOC - automatic links between admin tools
The experiments on the SLICE: SNMP - Vmware match SNMP G3 Monitor (CESNET SLICE} AS (Poz) VN3 (Mil) VN1 (Prg) VN2 (Erl) Internet private IP network management network
The experiments on the SLICE: Correlation: CPU load versus network App1: scp 4G file App2: Data collection with processing Port – slice mapping ? (from DB ?)
The experiments on the SLICE: Resource sharing (CPU) CPU utilization on host Capacity: 8x20 K units: ms Multi-line versus STACK CPU distribution on host - SMP random - rules for dedication to VM
The experiments on the SLICE: Resource sharing (CPUs) 5 VM - 1 dominate 4 CPU active Total CPU activity ~ 0,13% 9 VM - 1 dominate 4 CPU active Total CPU activity ~ 0,14% 7 VM - 1 dominate 4 CPU active Total CPU activity ~ 0,05%
The experiments on the SLICE: Resource capacity test (CPU) + utilization - Idle Integrated value all CPU on host Individual CPUs on host
Source sharing - compare to Planetlab Total # slices running on this node: 73 Actively using CPU: 9 (only one CPU) Actively using Network: 18 Conclusion: Most slices running randomely It allows stronger overallocation !
FEDERICA - CESNET POP External PROBE Monitoring (more details in 4D section - Jiri Novotny and in the poster)
More details in the POSTER: …..
Thank You Any questions ?