Student-centred Learning in Construction Education Increasing Participation The SLICE Approach
Aims of session n To explain the benefits of an Active approach in increasing participation n Describe the role student-centred learning can play in implementing an Active approach n How the SLICE handbook can assist with the above
Structure of session n Discuss the reasons for the lack of participation n Discuss and describe the benefits of an active approach in increasing participation n The role student-centred learning can play in implementing an active approach n How using the SLICE handbook can help you develop student-centred learning n Group discussion/activity n Feedback/evaluation
Reasons for a lack of participation by students n Lack of confidence n Low self-esteem n Communication problems n Social and cultural issues n Domestic problems n Feelings of isolation n Geographical issues n Competitive pressure n Fear of assessment negative effect upon motivation But how to overcome the above?
Active Approach “Active learning techniques focus on the direct involvement of the student with the learning material and can include short writes (sic), brain storming, quick surveys, think-pair-share, formative quizzes, debate, role playing, cooperative learning, collaborative learning and student presentation.” (Lammers & Murphy, A profile of Teaching Techniques used in the University Classroom in Active Learning in Higher Education, Vol 3, No.1, March 2002, Sage Publications, p.62)
Suitability of Civil Engineering/Building courses n It adds a real world effect! F Solving technical problems F Involves team effort F Individual contribution
Benefits of an Active Approach n Develops different skills and approaches to learning n Advances the experimentation of new ideas n Encourages a flexible and independent approach to learning n Promotes student autonomy n Encourages interactivity n Students are encouraged to take responsibility for group as well as individual learning requirements But what method is suitable for implementing an active approach?
Student-centred Learning “Student-centred Learning ….. Involves supplementing are occasionally replacing traditional lectures with activities or materials providing some flexibility in terms of the place, pace, time and content of student learning.” (Handbook on Student-centred Learning in Construction Education, SLICE Project, 2002, p.11) But how to start?
SLICE Handbook n Chapter 1 - Introduction and overview n Chapter 2 - Defines student-centred learning (S-cL) n Chapter 3 - Designing effective S-cL n Chapter 4 - Supporting students undertaking S-cL n Chapter 5 - Evaluation - how and why
Easiest way of Creating S-cL n Adapt existing examples! u Demolition Pack - adapted from handout u Chapter 3 - SLICE Handbook offers advice and guidance on design
Requirements of Staff in successfully implementing S-cL n Providing effective support, which can be offered in a variety of ways: u face to face by facilitating discussion forums, workshops, tutorials, etc u Telephone a potential means of offering both individual guidance and group support - conference calling, etc u Written integrate feedback within materials (like demolition pack), , web, correspondence
How can you monitor what has been learnt by S-cL? n Make the subject a (possible) examination question n Student presentations to externals/industrialists, a useful method of gaining outside feedback n Student-led workshops n Students’ critique/provide feedback on each others work
What we hoped to have demonstrated here today n The benefits of an active approach n How student-centred learning can help implement an active approach n How implementing the above can have a positive effect on increasing student participation.
Group activity/discussion n Think of a subject you currently teach, which could be delivered by S-cL n Most effective way of delivering it: u hardcopy? u Online? u student-led workshop? n Most realistic way of supporting it n Chosen method of assessment n Feedback and Evaluation
More information If you would like any further information/copy of the SLICE handbook, speak to Steve or Mel here today Alternatively us on: Or telephone us on (01752)