Slice of Science # 12
Question: Why do our ears pop when traveling in the mountains?
Hypothesis: My hypothesis is that our ears pop when traveling in the mountains because...
Conclusion: Changes in elevation cause changes in air pressure. In your ear, the Eustachian tube helps regulate the pressure and can cause a popping sensation.
Question: How does popcorn pop?
Hypothesis: My hypothesis is that popcorn pops because....
Conclusion: As a kernel is heated, water inside begins to expand until the pressure inside causes it to explode.
Question: Are you taller in the morning?
Hypothesis: My hypothesis is that you (are/are not) taller in the morning because....
Conclusion: Factors including gravity and less water in vertebra discs make a small difference in height.
Question: Why do golf balls have dimples?
Hypothesis: My hypothesis is that golf balls have dimples because....
Conclusion: The dimples on a golf ball create a turbulence in the layer of air next to the ball allowing it to go farther.