© Copyright 2005, INUS Technology, Inc. Head Measurement August 2005August 2005 © INUS Technology, Inc.© INUS Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.All rights reserved.
© Copyright 2005, INUS Technology, Inc. Align To Global Coordinate (1) 1. Import Scan Data 2. Select Reference Region by Selection Mode (Rectangle) and Selection Option (Select Through) 3. Separate Reference Region by Ctrl+C (Copy Shell) / Ctrl+V (Paste Shell) 4. Create Initial Plan to make Symmetry Plane Using “Ref.Geometry > Create > Plane > Pick Points”
© Copyright 2005, INUS Technology, Inc. Align To Global Coordinate (2) 5. Create Symmetry Plane from Initial Plane using “Ref.Geometry > Create > Plane > Symmetry Plane” 6. Create Boundary Plane using “Ref.Geometry > Create > Plane > At Min/Max Boundary With X,Y,Z Axis” 7. Create Ref.Vector from the couple of Ref.Plane using “Ref.Geometry > Create > Vector > Plane X Plane” 8. Create Ref.Point On the Surface of Shell using “Ref.Geometry > Create > Point > Pick Point”
© Copyright 2005, INUS Technology, Inc. Align To Global Coordinate (3) 9. Create Projection Point on Ref.Plane from Picked Point using “Ref.Geometry > Create > Point > Project on Plane” 10. Create Ref.Vector from the couple of Point using “Ref.Geometry > Create > Vector > Pick Points” 11. Create Model Coordinate from the couple of Ref.Vector using “Ref.Geometry > Create > Coordinate > Pick Origin & Input Direction” 12. Create Global Coordinate using “Ref.Geometry > Create > Coordinate > Input Origin & Rotation”
© Copyright 2005, INUS Technology, Inc. Align To Global Coordinate (4) 13. Finally, Align to Model Coordinate from Model Coordinate ※ Bind Reference Entity to shell using “ Ref.Geometry > Bind To Shell” if you see to transform only coordinate without transformation of shell
© Copyright 2005, INUS Technology, Inc. Head Measurement (Position 01) Method > 1. Create Normal Plane form the Coordinate using “Ref.Geometry > Create > Plane > Input Normal & Position” 2. Create Slice Curve from Normal Plane 3. Measure the length of curve using “Information > Curve” Position 01 End Point of Curve
© Copyright 2005, INUS Technology, Inc. Head Measurement (Position 02) Method > 1. Create Reference Point on the surface of shell by Pick Point 2. Create Projection Point on Normal Plane (Normal Direction : Z Axis) From Reference Point 2. Create Section Plane using the three of Point and Create Slice Curve Form Section Plane. 3. Trim Interesting Region and Measure the length of curve using “Information > Curve” Position 02 Reference point End Point of curve (Position 01)
© Copyright 2005, INUS Technology, Inc. Head Measurement (Position 03) Method > 1. Create Reference Point on the surface of shell by Pick Point 2. Create Normal Plane (Normal Direction : X Axis ) and Create Parallel Plane From Normal Plane using Normal Plane and Reference Point 2. Create Slice Curve by Parallel Plane. 3. Trim Interesting Region Measure the length of curve using “Information > Curve” Position 03 Reference point
© Copyright 2005, INUS Technology, Inc. Head Measurement (Position 04) Method > 1. Create Reference Point on the surface of shell by Pick Point 2. Create Parallel Plane From Normal Plane (Normal Direction : X Axis) using Normal Plane and Reference Point 2. Create Slice Curve by Parallel Plane. 3. Trim Interesting Region Measure the length of curve using “Information > Curve” Position 04 Reference point
© Copyright 2005, INUS Technology, Inc. Head Measurement (Position 05) Method > 1. Create Reference Point on the surface of shell by Pick Point 2. Create Normal Plane (Normal Direction : Y Axis ) and Create Parallel Plane From Normal Plane using Normal Plane and Reference Point 2. Create Slice Curve by Parallel Plane. 3. Trim Interesting Region Measure the length of curve using “Information > Curve” Position 05 Reference point
© Copyright 2005, INUS Technology, Inc. Head Measurement (Position 06) Method > 1. Create Reference Point on the surface of shell by Pick Point 2. Create Parallel Plane From Normal Plane (Normal Direction : Y Axis) using Normal Plane and Reference Point 2. Create Slice Curve by Parallel Plane. 3. Trim Interesting Region Measure the length of curve using “Information > Curve” Position 06 Reference point
© Copyright 2005, INUS Technology, Inc. Head Measurement (Position 06) Method > 1. Create Projection Point on the Normal Plane (Normal Direction : Z Axis) form Ref.Point of Position 04 and Create Section Plane using Ref.Points (Position 04, Projected Point and Position 05). 2. Create Slice Curve by Section Plane. 3. Create Projection Point on the Normal Plane (Normal Direction : Z Axis) form Ref.Point of Position 05 and Create Section Plane using Ref.Points (Position 05, Projected Point and the End Point of Curve (Position 01)). 4. Create Slice Curve by Section Plane. 5. Trim the couple of Slice Curve using “Curve > Trim > Curve / Curve”. 6. Trim Interesting Region Measure the length of curve using “Information > Curve” Reference point Position 06 End Point of Curve