KanseiGenie: Geni-fication to Orca-fication Anish Arora, Hongwei Zhang, Rajiv Ramnath, Mukundan Sridharan, Wenjie Zeng, Xi Ju July 20, 2009 Anish Arora,


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Presentation transcript:

KanseiGenie: Geni-fication to Orca-fication Anish Arora, Hongwei Zhang, Rajiv Ramnath, Mukundan Sridharan, Wenjie Zeng, Xi Ju July 20, 2009 Anish Arora, Hongwei Zhang, Rajiv Ramnath, Mukundan Sridharan, Wenjie Zeng, Xi Ju July 20, 2009

Kansei Architecture © mid2008 Web Server Policy Verification/ Deployer Hardware Array Experiment configuration / Output logs Researcher Web Interface File upload, Execution and Clean up Experiment DB Measurement Manager (Chowkidar) Kansei Scheduler Health Status

GENI-fication: KanseiGenie Architecture © Q1-Q2 Web Service Layer KanseiGenie Policy Authority Experiment Manager Hardware Array Ticket honoring/ Slice instantiation/ Management calls Researcher Portal calls RSpec adv/ Slice creation Researcher Portal to be implemented Legend: already implemented File upload, Execution and Clean up Slice Manager O&M Manager Measurement Manager (Chowkidar) KanseiGenie Aggregate of Aggregate Manager

4 Substrate and user service tasks done Refactoring of Kansei web interface into Researcher Portal Genification of (most) Kansei user services as web services e.g. implemented (some of the) experiment interaction interfaces as web services Genification of Kansei scheduler CM/AM aspects of Experiment & Slice Management planes Link quality measurement demo ready (shown at GEC) Pursuer evader tracking demo ready (shown at GEC)

5 Implementation Tools Researcher Portal: PHP Site Authority  Web services: EJB via JBoss server  AM, CM: Perl and C  Storage: MySQL  Substrates: TinyOS, Linux, (and Java,.NET, and Contiki) Clearinghouse: ORCA based

Orca Leasing Core Architecture Slice Controller Site Authority Policy Plugin Drivers for slice setup/teardown Resource request Event Handlers Broker Policy Plugin RSpec Repository

KanseiGenie Orca Integration Architecture/Status ORCA Site AuthorityORCA Slice Controller Handlers for slice setup/teardown Resource request Event Handlers Researcher Portal (needs modification) Web Services KanseiGenie Experiment Manager Hardware Arrays KanseiGenie Slice Manager KanseiGenie O&M Manager KanseiGenie Measurement Manager KanseiGenie Aggregate of Aggregate Manager File upload, Execution, Viz Ticket request/grant Slice setup/ tear down ORCA Broker Policy Plugin RSpec Repository to be implemented Legend: already implemented Secure SOAPXML-RPCSOAP

KanseiGenie Software Arch ORCA SliceController (kansei.cse) ORCA Site Authority (Peoplenet.cse) Handlers for join/leave events Policy Plugin Researcher Portal (kansei.cse) Web Services(JBOSS) Ethernet KGDirector Ticket request/grant Slice setup/tear_down ORCA Broker (Renci) KanseiTaskJoinKanseiTaskLeave MySQL DB Secure SOAPXML-RPCSOAP Experiment Execution ORCA-ByPass StargateDirector(AM) (Stargate) (Warehouse Server)

9 KanseiGenie Experiments by Outside Researchers KanseiNeteye  UCLA  Michigan State  Northwestern  USC  UT, Dallas  City University of Hong Kong  ICT, Australia  University of Sci. & Tech., China  Michigan State  Southeastern University, China  Wayne State  SUNY, Buffalo Several groups at OSU use Kansei for research & education We are motivated by our own federation scenarios:  Multi-Fabric Sensing (seamless tracking, tripwire)  Seamless Regression Testing  Portable Array and Stationary Array  Fabric via Cloud

10 Challenges in Spiral 1 Motivation for engaging external partners in GENI  as opposed to using/replicating our testbeds  likewise in cross-GENI partner experiments Budget overly constrained  science education projects are of interest to Spiral 2/3  key WSN programmability, network virtualization, and I&M needs dependent on Solicitation 2 proposal  Java SunSPOT and.NET Imote2 substrates still of interest  (university operations costs high: warehouse alone!) Some effort in GENI-fication and ORCA-fication  Jboss learning curve  ORCA-fication benefited from help we’ve received

11 Internet 2 (via OARnet)  OIT at OSU has fibre running to our testbed buildings  VLAN connections involve tap into POP at Chicago (OmniPOP)  OIT still checking on VLAN costs  L3 node costs $235 per month  not easy for OSU to pick up (via MERIT)  L3 connection available  L2 costs unaffordably high End-to-end GENI experiments eventually L2, but L3 should suffice for us for Year 2

12 Spiral 2 Plans 1. Port v1.0 Kansei Genie Installer on NetEye  accommodate new substrate  port hierarchical AM/CM to new substrate 2. Experiment Interaction User Service v1.0  GENI-fication of Kansei researcher portal 3. Basic federated resource discovery, embedding, and scheduling  jointly with ORCA-Ben and Cluster D  authentication across brokers for federated slices (ORCA chaining mechanism/policy extensions?)  federated slice discovery, embedding & scheduling across sites (single Rspec?) 4. Implement, integrate and document a second release (v2.0, including install package) of the GENI-fied software on your Kansei testbed, that supports basic federation. 5. Integrate with Internet Experimental scenarios to push this ourselves Use case for federation in Kansei:  Jeff Chase slides on: Slice control:  virtualization  Mobility, dynamics, experiment adaption, repeatability control  Virtualiztion  Injection,e xfiltratin, composition, temporal logic  Programmability  HZ comments on:  Substrateam