Getting started: Welcome to Share Out. There is a free printable recording sheet (pdf) that can be used with this activity. If you see a top bar you are in Powerpoint’s development mode. Go to ‘Slide Show’ in your top menu bar. Hold your mouse down to select ‘View Show’. To view the Activity: Most actions take place automatically, but a ‘click for next’ or ‘click to see’ button will appear or blink to prompt you when to click (be careful not to click too soon or twice as it may skip the automatic actions). You can use the arrow keys on the keyboard to navigate, which also lets you go back. The ‘home’ button takes you back to the start. To use Powerpoint’s own controls drag the mouse to the bottom left hand corner. To quit use the ‘exit’ red button, or scroll down Powerpoint’s menu to ‘end show’. Please note: ‘Share Out’ is copyright material: in running this software you are agreeing to protect the copyright of these materials by not allowing illegal copying or access for use beyond the terms of this activity. You may not use any of the images or content for any other purpose. Limited non-commercial reproduction is permitted for the recording sheet. If you enjoy this activity please see our software range (details at end) from Click for next exit
Click for next exit
Click for next exit Four of the Buzz Kids are having a picnic. They want to have equal shares. Click to see if there are any leftovers.
exit How many slices of crusty bread are there? Click on the correct box
exit Well done if you chose 9! Click for next
exit If you chose 10, count them again! Click for next
Click on the correct box exit How many slices of crusty bread can each Buzz kid have? ÷ 4 =
exit Well done if you chose 2! What’s left over? Click for next
exit If you chose 4, that’s not correct. Click for next
exit They have two slices of crusty bread each and one slice is left over. Can you spot the cubes of cheese?
How many cheese cubes can each Buzz kid have, and what will be the remainder? Click on the correct box exit 2 r 1 1 r 2 9 ÷ 4 =
exit Well done if you chose 2 remainder 1! Let’s do another. Click for next
exit If you chose 1 remainder 2, try again. Click for next
How many sandwiches can you see? Click on the correct box exit r 3 r 2 7 If each Buzz kid has the same, how many will be left over? Click to check ÷ 4
exit Well done if you chose 3 left over! Let’s do another. Click for next
exit 2 left over is not correct. Let’s try again. Click for next
exit Click for next Can you see the cake? How many pieces has it been cut into?
The cake is cut into six pieces. Click on the correct box exit 1 r1 1 r2 6 ÷ 4 = What is that divided by four?
exit Click for next 1 remainder 2 is correct! Let’s do another.
exit 1 remainder 1 is not correct. It’s remainder 2. Click for next
exit Click for next Can you see the biscuits? How many are there?
There are seven biscuits. If everyone gets a whole biscuit, how many are left over? Click on the correct box exit ÷ 4
exit Click for next Well done if you chose 3! Let’s do another.
exit 2 is not correct. 3 is the remainder. Click for next
exit Click for next Are there enough apples for everyone to have one?
exit Yes,everyone gets a whole apple. How could the last apple be divided to make equal shares? Click on the correct box 4 quarters 2 halves 1 ÷ 4 =
exit Click for next Well done for choosing quarters!
exit Did you choose halves? Try again. Click for next
exit End of session Everyone has had equal shares. How could they fairly divide up two bananas?
exit To learn effectively children need to work at their own pace, be able to write things down, share ideas and gain understanding. CircaMathsCircaMaths’ innovative and beautifully illustrated software for the whiteboard or PC is designed to allow for just that, with something for every level... Whiteboard Starters ClueWork Fabulous Fractions 1 Fabulous Fractions 2 (details coming soon) Find out more about CircaMaths’CircaMaths exciting software by visiting: