Why Advanced Capture is CRUCIAL? PSIGEN Software
The Values of Document Management: Instant Access To All Records Backup your Paper Records Security and Reporting for all Records Automated Workflow Better Customer Service Never lose a document again You know the rest…
Often – it starts with paper… What do you mean I have to scan all of this??
Digital Landfill Avoidance
Remember the Old Saying Garbage In.. Garbage Out..
The clock is working against you If a company receives or creates 100 documents per day that must be filed correctly: Documents take 6 minutes to file Staff earns $15/hour which equals $0.25/minute Each document equals $1.50 to file 100 documents equals $150 – PER DAY 22 days per month means $3,300 – for just 100 documents per day
It starts to add up… …an average small US company spends as an average of $37 to process every invoice According to PricewaterhouseCoopers Your Documents: 7.5% are lost plus 3% are misfiled Copied 19 times 90% are merely shuffled Most Companies spend: 50% of staff’s time looking for documents 15% of its time reading information $120 in labor to find a misfiled document
But there has to be a better way…
Capture vs. Scanning A scanning application is just a means to take paper, and quickly and easily convert it from paper to digital form. They are well suited to environments with very basic needs, and what I call "onsie-twosie" scanning, or low volume environments. Capture software can be utilized for basic scanning needs, but takes you to a whole new level from a "capture" perspective. These applications typically have a number of ways to "slice and dice" documents, and really focus on efficiency, and minimizing the time required to scan, index and capture data.
The Capture Equation
Automation Flow
Smart Zones Looks for a value based on direction “Directional Intelligence”, or compassing Invoice Number IN
PSIGEN Clients
PSIGEN in Manufacturing
PSIGEN in Education
PSIGEN in Government Local & Municipal StateFederal
PSIGEN in Healthcare & Insurance
Additional Markets Banking & Finance Retail & Recreation Distributed Capture Energy & Resources
A little information about us…
PSIGEN Overview Mature capture software company, founded in 1995 Innovative software focused on High Volume and Automation Focus on Advance Capture Many new features added every year Domestic Company – all Development, Support and Sales members are US based
Presentations will be made available for download at: Or Todd Sheppard