( - S ) ( - es ) Pronounce ( - IZ ) If the base form of verb or noun ends with the sounds /s/, /z/, /Ʒ/ /ʃ/, /ɖƷ/ or /ks/
Verbs Nouns Watch__ watches size __sizes Relax __ relaxes dish __ dishes Lose__ loses price __ prices Judge__ judges inch ___ inches
Pronounce /S/ If the base form of verb or noun ends with the voiceless sounds; / ʃ /, /Ρ/, //, //, // then pronounce (-s) and (- es) as /s/
Verbs Nouns Sleep__ sleeps cat__ cats Laugh __laughs book _ books Work __ works cuff __ cuffs Hit __ hits fifth __ fifths
Pronounce /z/ If the base form of verbs and nouns end with other voiced consonant or with vowels or with nasal sounds, then pronounce (-s) and (-es) /z/
Verbs Nouns Learn __ learns boy __ boys Stay __ stays drum __ drums Go __ goes lamb __ lambs
How to pronounce (-ed) ending
If the base form of the verb ends with sounds /t/ or /d/, then pronounce (-ed) as an /id/ Start __ started wait __ waited Need __ needed decide __ decided
If the base form ends with the voiceless sounds ; /f/, /p/, /k/, /s/, /ks/, /ʃ/, /ʈʃ /, or with a vowel then pronounce (-ed) as /t/ Look __looked fax __ faxed Wish __ wished jump __ jumped Slice __ sliced watch ___ watched Laugh ___ laughed
If the base form ends with the voiced sounds; /b/, /g/, /m/, /n/, /v/, /r/, /d ʒ /, //, / /, then pronounce –ed as /d/ Rob __ robbed hum __ hummed Rain __ rained play __ played Wave __ waved close __ closed Brag __ bragged judge __ judged