AEF 9-10 Rule Sets AEFC/AEPS
AEF 9-10 TIMELINE Rotation Date (Movement Window Starts NET 1 Jun 04) COMACC sends Cycle 4 AEF 9-10 certified forces message to CDRUSJFCOM 18 May 04 Book/confirm reservations with AMC’s Passenger Reservation Center 1 May 04 AF Component Commands Publish intratheater PAX reception/ onward movement plan as applicable 30 Apr 04 AFCC Validation Deadline 21 Apr 04 Execution Conference XX Apr 04 TACC/XOPC Publish Bookable AEF Contingency Missions 1 Apr 04 17 Mar 04 Component Command Level 4 Data to TACC/XOPC For Mission Purchase 23 Feb 04 AEFC Completes Rotation Tasking Flow/ Unit Notification 12 Feb 04 MAJCOMS Complete Sourcing Verification 29 Jan 04 AEFC Completes DCAPES Sourcing Nomination 13 Jan 04 Commanders Ensure ART Fully Updated//Prepare Forces to Deploy // ARC Buy Complete 24 Dec 03 Requirements Available for ARC Buy 18 Dec 03 CENTAF/USAFE/CONR/PACAF/SOUTHAF Approved ECS and Aviation Requirements in DCAPES W/CRM Codes
AEF 9-10 SOURCING PRIORITIES AEFC schedulers will source from the AEF 9-10 TPFDD Library to fill all requirements Determine if AEF 9-10 can be replaced by Cycle 5 AEF 1-2. If not, AEF 9-10 may require 135- or 179-day initial ETL - must be coordinated through the AEFC Division Chief to AEFC/CC, or designated representative – AEFC/CV, AEFC/CD, for approval* (see extension rules) When there is an incumbent in place, and, AEF 9-10 is exhausted: AEFC scheduler will forward an EETL request to extend the incumbent through the AEFC Division Chief to AEFC/CC, or designated representative for approval* (see extension rules) S:\AEP\AEPS\Cycle 4\9-10\EETL When there is not an incumbent in place, and, AEF 9-10 is exhausted: AEFC scheduler will forward an “Air Force Shortfall Request” through AEFC Division Chief to AEFC/CC, or designated representative, for approval and for AEFC CAT to forward to AFOG. S:\AEP\AEPS\Cycle 4\9-10\AF Shortfall Request.doc * see notes page The AEFC scheduler should continue to work with the AFCC FAM to determine if all requirements are still valid. Request the AFCC continue to validate requirements. If the AF FAM determines a requirement no longer needs to be filled, the AEFC Scheduler should request the AFCC FAM initiate an RCR (Requirements Change Request) to delete the requirement. The AEFC Scheduler should document the request in the “Comments” section and select “No Fill” in ECSS.
AEF 9-10 Resources Sourcing resource order (AEF 9-10) (1) ARC volunteer buys (full UTCs only) ARC complete buy NLT 13 Jan 04 AEFC Schedulers update ARC buy in ECSS and DCAPES NLT 21 Jan 04 (2) Cycle 4/AEF 9-10 TPFDD Library Enablers (must be approved by the MAJCOM FAM) and ARC residuals (additional requirements ARC agrees to fill – AEFC scheduler coordinates w/ARC AEF Cell) AEFC scheduler forwards request to AFCC FAM to use other “suitable subs” (i.e. substitute UTC that can meet MISCAP) - document request/result in ECSS AEFC scheduler forwards EETL request to extend the incumbent through AEFC Division Chief to AEFC/CC, or designated representative, for approval (6) AEFC scheduler will forward an “Air Force Shortfall request” through AEFC Division Chief to AEFC/CC, or designated representative, for approval then to AEFC CAT to forward to AFOG.
ECS SOURCING Individual Augmentee (IA) Requirements The following IA requirements take precedence over normal AEF 9-10 requirements** ISG – Iraqi Survey Group (“D” series ULNs) CPA – Coalition Provisional Authority (“D” series ULNs) CMATT – Coalition Military Advisor Training Team (“D” series ULNs) JTF7 – Joint Task Force 7 JTF-HOA – Horn of Africa (104HD) Non-IA 9-10 requirements take priority over other IA requirements Source currently filled IA requirements Do not source: 1) new staff IA requirements (JS in the non-baseline field in DCAPES 2) unfilled staff IA requirements (JS) AEFC IA Manager will notify AEFC Schedulers of new Joint IA requirements validated / approved for sourcing Contact AEFC IA Manager for further guidance if required * See notes pages for internal AEFC process ** IN follows AF guidance approved by AEFC/CC Internal AEFC IA Process 1. Upon receipt of rotational requirements, the IA Manager (Mr. Mike Miller / Mr. Kelley Bronson) will review and insure appropriate coding in DCAPES: JU – Joint Mission IA requirements: - AEFC IA Manager forwards annotated spreadsheet to AEFC Schedulers - AEFC Schedulers source as appropriate JS – Joint Staff IA requirements - AEFC Schedulers determine if JS billet is currently vacant or new - if yes, do not source (annotate “vacant” or “new” in the “comments” field on spreadsheet) - if no, source as appropriate to avoid “hostage” situation (annotate “filled” in the “ comments” field on spreadsheet) 2. AEFC IA Manager will provide annotated list to AEFC senior leadership for review.
ECS SOURCING Extension Rules AEF 9-10 REQUIRES AEFC/CC approval (AEFC/CV or AEFC/CD if designated) Extending AEF 9-10 During Initial Sourcing Effort: Compare AEF 9-10 requirements to Cycle 5 AEF 1-2 assets to determine if AEF 9-10 initial extended ETL (135 or 179 days) is required If AEF 9-10 requirements are not available in Cycle 5 AEF 1-2, EETL = 135, unless requirements are reduced (Cycle 5 AEF 3-4 replacements may need to deploy 45 days early). If AEF 9-10 requirements are not available in Cycle 5, AEF 3-4, ETL = 179 AEF 9-10 stays through Cycle 5 AEF 1-2 (May require shortfall request) Do not extend ARC Volunteers (Man-days) without permission of all concerned parties T-Codes T1 Initial ETL 135 T2 Initial ETL 179 T3 Early Report ETL 135 T5 Ext In-Place ETL 135 T6 Ext In-Place ETL 179 TA Early Report ETL 150 TC Ext In-Place ETL 150 TD Early Report ETL 165 TE Ext In-Place ETL 165 TF Initial ETL 180 TG Early Report ETL 180 TH Ext In-Place ETL 180 TJ Initial ETL 240 TM Ext In-Place ETL 240 TN Initial ETL 165 TP Initial ETL 150 ?? Ext In-Place ETL 210 VE Volunteer Extension
ECS SOURCING Extension Rules - AEF 9-10 (cont.) REQUIRES AEFC/CC approval (AEFC/CV or AEFC/CD if designated) Extending AEF 7-8: Compare AEF 9-10 assets to Cycle 5 AEF 1-2 assets to determine if AEF 7-8 extended ETL (135 or 179 days) is required If AEF 9-10 Rotation holes can be filled with Cycle 5 AEF 1-2 assets: AEF 7-8 Extended ETL = 135 (90+45) Cycle 5 AEF 1-2 will replace extended AEF 7-8 45 days early – EETL = 135 If AEF 9-10 Rotation holes cannot be filled with Cycle 5 AEF 1-2 assets: AEF 7-8 Extended ETL = 179 days Process AF shortfall request for subsequent AEF pair – Elevate to Division Chief ASAP If AF shortfall is disapproved, AEFC/CC, or designated representative, will work with deployed leadership, to determine alternative methods to meet future requirements Do not extend ARC Volunteers (Man-days) without permission of all concerned parties * see notes page Reference Maj Teresa Forest, AF/DPPPC, the SECAF waiver for TDYs in excess of 180 is still in effect as of 6 Nov 03. Maj Melissa Flattery, AF/DPPPA is the AF POC. T-Codes T1 Initial ETL 135 T2 Initial ETL 179 T3 Early Report ETL 135 T5 Ext In-Place ETL 135 T6 Ext In-Place ETL 179 TA Early Report ETL 150 TC Ext In-Place ETL 150 TD Early Report ETL 165 TE Ext In-Place ETL 165 TF Initial ETL 180 TG Early Report ETL 180 TH Ext In-Place ETL 180 TJ Initial ETL 240 TM Ext In-Place ETL 240 TN Initial ETL 165 TP Initial ETL 150 ?? Ext In-Place ETL 210 VE Volunteer Extension
ECS SOURCING Other Considerations If ARC shortfalls any ARC buys, report changes to the Requirements Branch to update “A” rotation – before sourcing to another MAJCOM (Forward to AEPX Branch box for dissemination to the applicable AOR OPR) Continue to monitor ALL crisis PIDs in ECSS and S/T: Crisis folders, for new requirements, to ensure timely nomination, and to respond to shortfalls Source DWS, DWX, DXS, DXX not to exceed total simultaneous DW (see: and AFI 10-400 para 7.21 for coding/ posturing/sourcing information) Nominated units must meet capability specified in TPFDD Only AFCC can add, delete, change, or substitute requirements Tasked units can request waivers from deployed commanders (e.g. Line remarks, rank substitutions) IAW AFI 10-400, para 5.10.3 Sourcing of one UTC to multiple FOLs is permitted No early rotations authorized! Coordination is key to success! “Longer” tours remain, specified in TPFDD & DRMD – as previously approved by CSAF Limited to joint positions, or those requiring continuity, host nation liaison, or critical to security
ECS SOURCING Other Considerations (cont) Review current procedures for using and processing ECSS, ART and DCAPES data Ensure you have needed reference material* Base alignment template, sourcing rule-sets, PAS and MAC codes, MANFOR, GLOC table, “T” and “N” codes, line remarks table, UICs, T-PAS ARC UTCs Schedulers will work with the AFRC and ANG AEF Cells and AEFC CG and CR for additional ARC volunteers LINK SOURCING TO LIBRARIES If UTCs are broken to fill other UTC requirements notify the MAJCOM FAM which AEF library UTC is being broken, so it can be appropriately marked as tasked in ART Coordinate with MAJCOM counterparts Your judgment is key. If in doubt, ask AES, AEO and AEP Share good ideas – processes *see notes page for helpful links Line Remarks: MISCAPS without going through DCAPES: Go to: Wartime Readiness (bottom left of page) MANFOR (3rd button on left of screen) Click 1st UTC MISCAP file (In excel and allows you to set a filter) AF_PAS.xls : available at \\LFI-FS-ACC-DRU\AEFCShared\AEF Center Shared Information\Pas\AF_PAS.xls