ADVICE GIVEN TO HENRY JONES (to advise) -You should listen to your son more often. -You should apologise/apologize to him now (it’s not too late). -You should try to get to know him better. -You should be more available and look after him. -You shouldn’t think about the past so much, you should concentrate on the present. -You should be understanding. -You shouldn’t say you are a wonderful father, you’re not. -You shouldn’t be so rude. -You shouldn’t let him make his own choices.
COMPARATIFS / SUPERLATIFS Comparatif d’égalité : as + adj + as > John is as tall as Peter (= autant … que / aussi … que) Comparatif d’infériorité: Less + adj + than > Peter is less tall than John (= moins … que) !!! On utilisera plutôt : Peter is not as tall as John. (= pas autant … que / pas aussi … que) Type d’adjectif Adjectif de 1 syllabe Adjectif de 2 syllabesAdjectif de plus de 2 syllabe Comparatif de supériorité Superlatif -er (than) ‘Lucie is nicer than Jane.’ the -est ‘John is the tallest in his class’ More … (than) ‘The blue chair is more comfortable than the black one.’ The + adj ‘this is the most comfortable armchair’ Terminaison en y / er / ow : -er (than) ‘happier (than)’ / ‘shallower (than)’ / ‘cleverer (than)’ Autres terminaisons : (more … than) ‘more mature (than)’ Terminaison en y / er / ow : the -est ‘the happiest’ / ‘the shallowest’ / ‘the cleverest’ Autres terminaisons : (the most + adj) ‘the most mature’