NY /020419VtsimSL001 Malaria Advocacy and the Global Fund Update 2006
NY /020419VtsimSL001 1 Since its inception four years ago, the Global Fund has emerged as the largest single international financier of malaria control. $1.2 billion over two years committed to programs in more than 60 countries worldwide Once fully executed, 5-year commitments will distribute 108 million ITNs and 245 million ACTs – a massive increase over current levels To date, malaria programs financed by the Global Fund, on average 18 months of age, have distributed 7 million bed nets
NY /020419VtsimSL001 2 Advocacy Needs
NY /020419VtsimSL001 3 The Global Fund is facing a major resource shortfall for Without new additional financing, the Global Fund will be unable to finance any new malaria grants in these years. Needs Income Renewal of Existing Grants $3.3 billion Rounds 6,7, & 8 $3.7 billion Current Donor Pledges $3.7 billion Remaining Need $3.3 billion Implications for Malaria ACT Financing Abuja Targets: 2010 Extension of Effective Programs
NY /020419VtsimSL001 4 While progress has been made, Global Fund resources are not being effectively utilized in some countries. An analysis of the first 110 grants to reach the second grant phase has shown malaria are, on average, performing more poorly than HIV/AIDS and TB. Procurement bottlenecks have resulted in many month delays in the purchase of ITNs, ACTs, and other commodities at the heart of programs. Malaria grants made up just 24% of approved proposals in Round 5 in September, compared to 40% in Round 4. Few large ACT or ITN proposals were approved.
NY /020419VtsimSL001 5 Advocacy Opportunities
NY /020419VtsimSL is a “make it or break it” year for the Global Fund, with major events that will shape the size, structure and impact of the institution for years. Resource Mobilization: Final Replenishment Conference in July in Durban. Further development of innovative financing (airline levy, debt swap). Success in fundraising will determine the volume of new grants. Strategy Development: The Fund is revisiting its basic structures and systems through the development of a 4- year strategy. Major input will come from the 2 nd Partnership Forum in July in Durban. Performance Reviews: Many grants will come up for their mid-term performance review this year. Countries face losing significant malaria funding if performance does not improve.