The Compass Project in California Compass Tri-State Meeting AAC&U Institute on General Education May 30, 2009 Ken O’Donnell Office of the Chancellor California State University
The Compass Project in California state demographic and workforce trends
The Compass Project in California state demographic and workforce trends two kinds of transfer
The Compass Project in California state demographic and workforce trends two kinds of transfer theories of change
state demographic and workforce trends
source: CA Department of Finance California population by ethnicity
state demographic and workforce trends source: CA Department of Finance California population by ethnicity
state demographic and workforce trends source: CA Department of Finance California population by ethnicity
state demographic and workforce trends source: CA Department of Finance California population by ethnicity
state demographic and workforce trends source: CA Department of Finance California population by ethnicity
state demographic and workforce trends source: CA Department of Finance California population by ethnicity
state demographic and workforce trends source: CA Department of Finance California population by ethnicity
state demographic and workforce trends source: CA Department of Finance California population by ethnicity
state demographic and workforce trends source: CA Department of Finance California population by ethnicity
state demographic and workforce trends source: CA Department of Finance “California’s young adult population is increasingly composed of groups, particularly Latinos, that historically have relatively low levels of educational attainment.”
state demographic and workforce trends source: CA Department of Finance “California’s young adult population is increasingly composed of groups, particularly Latinos, that historically have relatively low levels of educational attainment.” Closing the Gap Public Policy Institute of California April, 2009
state demographic and workforce trends source: CA Department of Finance “California’s young adult population is increasingly composed of groups, particularly Latinos, that historically have relatively low levels of educational attainment.” Closing the Gap Public Policy Institute of California April, 2009
state demographic and workforce trends California degree production public private source: Public Policy Institute of California
state demographic and workforce trends California degree production public private source: Public Policy Institute of California shortfall
state demographic and workforce trends California degree production public private source: Public Policy Institute of California shortfall
state demographic and workforce trends California degree production public private source: Public Policy Institute of California shortfall
state demographic and workforce trends California degree production public private source: Public Policy Institute of California shortfall
state demographic and workforce trends California degree production public private source: Public Policy Institute of California shortfall
state demographic and workforce trends public private source: Public Policy Institute of California “If past trends continue, we project that California’s economy will demand almost one million more college graduates in 2025 than is likely to be supplied by the state’s population.” Closing the Gap Public Policy Institute of California April, 2009
state demographic and workforce trends public private source: Public Policy Institute of California If past trends continue “If past trends continue, we project that California’s economy will demand almost one million more college graduates in 2025 than is likely to be supplied by the state’s population.” Closing the Gap Public Policy Institute of California April, 2009
Why college?
“To lead the examined life.”
Why college? “To get a good job.” “To lead the examined life.”
Why college?
The end of the “Ovarian Lottery.”
Why college? The end of the “Ovarian Lottery.” “Ability trumps geography”
Why college? The end of the “Ovarian Lottery.” “Ability trumps geography”
Why college? “Globalization is shipping white-collar work overseas, and powerful technologies are eliminating certain kinds of work altogether.”
Why college? The new kind of work will reward those who can master: “Globalization is shipping white-collar work overseas, and powerful technologies are eliminating certain kinds of work altogether.”
Why college? The new kind of work will reward those who can master: * design “Globalization is shipping white-collar work overseas, and powerful technologies are eliminating certain kinds of work altogether.”
Why college? The new kind of work will reward those who can master: * design * story “Globalization is shipping white-collar work overseas, and powerful technologies are eliminating certain kinds of work altogether.”
Why college? “Globalization is shipping white-collar work overseas, and powerful technologies are eliminating certain kinds of work altogether.” The new kind of work will reward those who can master: * design * story * symphony
Why college? “Globalization is shipping white-collar work overseas, and powerful technologies are eliminating certain kinds of work altogether.” The new kind of work will reward those who can master: * design * story * symphony * empathy
Why college? “Globalization is shipping white-collar work overseas, and powerful technologies are eliminating certain kinds of work altogether.” The new kind of work will reward those who can master: * design * story * symphony * empathy * play
Why college? “Globalization is shipping white-collar work overseas, and powerful technologies are eliminating certain kinds of work altogether.” The new kind of work will reward those who can master: * design * story * symphony * empathy * play * meaning
state demographic and workforce trends California degree production public private source: Public Policy Institute of California shortfall
state demographic and workforce trends California degree production public private shortfall
state demographic and workforce trends California population by ethnicity
California Master Plan c. 1960
California Master Plan c. 1960
California Master Plan c. 1960
California Master Plan c. 1960
state demographic and workforce trends future supply future demand
state demographic and workforce trends future supply * first generation future demand
state demographic and workforce trends future supply * first generation * historically underrepresented and underserved future demand
state demographic and workforce trends future supply * first generation * historically underrepresented and underserved * economically disadvantaged future demand
state demographic and workforce trends future supply * first generation * historically underrepresented and underserved * economically disadvantaged * less likely to persist and complete future demand
state demographic and workforce trends future supply * first generation * historically underrepresented and underserved * economically disadvantaged * less likely to persist and complete future demand * new concepts in science and tech
state demographic and workforce trends future supply * first generation * historically underrepresented and underserved * economically disadvantaged * less likely to persist and complete future demand * new concepts in science and tech * ability to collaborate w/diverse groups
state demographic and workforce trends future supply * first generation * historically underrepresented and underserved * economically disadvantaged * less likely to persist and complete future demand * new concepts in science and tech * ability to collaborate w/diverse groups * practical application
state demographic and workforce trends future supply * first generation * historically underrepresented and underserved * economically disadvantaged * less likely to persist and complete future demand * new concepts in science and tech * ability to collaborate w/diverse groups * practical application * effective communication
state demographic and workforce trends future supply * first generation * historically underrepresented and underserved * economically disadvantaged * less likely to persist and complete future demand * new concepts in science and tech * ability to collaborate w/diverse groups * practical application * effective communication * critical thinking source: AAC&U/Peter D. Hart Research, 2007
The Compass Project in California state demographic and workforce trends * two kinds of transfer theories of change
The Compass Project in California state demographic and workforce trends two kinds of transfer * theories of change
BornDie the CSU in a lifespan
BornDie the CSU in a lifespan
BornDie the CSU in a lifespan
BornDie the CSU in a lifespan TRANSFER
“the test we don’t see them take”
TRANSFER “the test we don’t see them take”
TRANSFER comes from:
“the test we don’t see them take” TRANSFER comes from: * Effort and Practice.
“the test we don’t see them take” TRANSFER comes from: * Effort and Practice. * Desirable Difficulty.
“the test we don’t see them take” TRANSFER comes from: * Effort and Practice. * Desirable Difficulty. * Multiple Representations.
“the test we don’t see them take” TRANSFER comes from: * Effort and Practice. * Desirable Difficulty. * Multiple Representations. * Mental Models.
“the test we don’t see them take” TRANSFER comes from: * Effort and Practice. * Desirable Difficulty. * Multiple Representations. * Mental Models.
BornDie the CSU in a lifespan TRANSFER internships
BornDie the CSU in a lifespan TRANSFER internships group work
BornDie the CSU in a lifespan TRANSFER internships group work faculty-student collaboration
BornDie the CSU in a lifespan TRANSFER internships group work problem solving faculty-student collaboration
BornDie the CSU in a lifespan TRANSFER internships learning communities group work problem solving faculty-student collaboration
BornDie the CSU in a lifespan TRANSFER internships learning communities group work problem solving alternative break faculty-student collaboration
BornDie the CSU in a lifespan TRANSFER community engagement internships learning communities group work problem solving alternative break faculty-student collaboration
BornDie the CSU in a lifespan TRANSFER community engagement internships learning communities group work problem solving alternative break study abroad faculty-student collaboration
BornDie the CSU in a lifespan TRANSFER community engagement internships common reading learning communities group work problem solving alternative break study abroad faculty-student collaboration
the CSU in a lifespan TRANSFER
the CSU in a lifespan TRANSFER LEAP Outcomes
the CSU in a lifespan TRANSFER LEAP Outcomes 1. KNOW human cultures & physical world.
the CSU in a lifespan TRANSFER LEAP Outcomes 1. KNOW human cultures & physical world. 2. KNOW HOW to write, reason, calculate.
the CSU in a lifespan TRANSFER LEAP Outcomes 1. KNOW human cultures & physical world. 2. KNOW HOW to write, reason, calculate. 3. ACT ethically and responsibly.
the CSU in a lifespan TRANSFER LEAP Outcomes 1. KNOW human cultures & physical world. 2. KNOW HOW to write, reason, calculate. 3. ACT ethically and responsibly. 4. INTEGRATE learning.
9 units English and crit thinking
TRANSFER 9 units English and crit thinking 3 units mathematics
TRANSFER 9 units English and crit thinking 3 units mathematics 6 units science and lab
TRANSFER 9 units English and crit thinking 3 units mathematics 6 units science and lab 9 units arts & humanities
TRANSFER 9 units English and crit thinking 3 units mathematics 6 units science and lab 9 units arts & humanities 9 units social science
TRANSFER 9 units English and crit thinking 3 units mathematics 6 units science and lab 9 units arts & humanities 9 units social science 3 units self-development
TRANSFER 9 units English and crit thinking 3 units mathematics 6 units science and lab 9 units arts & humanities 9 units social science 3 units self-development
TRANSFER 9 units English and crit thinking 3 units mathematics 6 units science and lab 9 units arts & humanities 9 units social science 3 units self-development
TRANSFER 9 units English and crit thinking 3 units mathematics 6 units science and lab 9 units arts & humanities 9 units social science 3 units self-development
TRANSFER 9 units English and crit thinking 3 units mathematics 6 units science and lab 9 units arts & humanities 9 units social science 3 units self-development
TRANSFER 9 units English and crit thinking 3 units mathematics 6 units science and lab 9 units arts & humanities 9 units social science 3 units self-development
TRANSFER 9 units English and crit thinking 3 units mathematics 6 units science and lab 9 units arts & humanities 9 units social science 3 units self-development
TRANSFER 9 units English and crit thinking 3 units mathematics 6 units science and lab 9 units arts & humanities 9 units social science 3 units self-development
TRANSFER 9 units English and crit thinking 3 units mathematics 6 units science and lab 9 units arts & humanities 9 units social science 3 units self-development
TRANSFER 9 units English and crit thinking 3 units mathematics 6 units science and lab 9 units arts & humanities 9 units social science 3 units self-development
the two kinds of transfer TRANSFER
the two kinds of transfer TRANSFER * efficient
the two kinds of transfer TRANSFER * modular * efficient
the two kinds of transfer TRANSFER * interchangeable * modular * efficient
the two kinds of transfer TRANSFER * frictionless * interchangeable * modular * efficient
the two kinds of transfer TRANSFER * fragmentary * frictionless * interchangeable * modular * efficient
the two kinds of transfer TRANSFER * fragmentary * frictionless * interchangeable * modular * efficient
the two kinds of transfer TRANSFER * fragmentary * frictionless * interchangeable * modular * efficient * stressful
the two kinds of transfer TRANSFER * fragmentary * frictionless * interchangeable * modular * efficient * surprising * stressful
the two kinds of transfer TRANSFER * fragmentary * frictionless * interchangeable * modular * efficient * iterative * surprising * stressful
the two kinds of transfer TRANSFER * fragmentary * frictionless * interchangeable * modular * efficient * effortful * iterative * surprising * stressful
the two kinds of transfer TRANSFER * fragmentary * frictionless * interchangeable * modular * efficient * effective * effortful * iterative * surprising * stressful
the two kinds of transfer TRANSFER * fragmentary * frictionless * interchangeable * modular * efficient * effective * effortful * iterative * surprising * stressful DEEPER LEARNING
the two kinds of transfer TRANSFER * fragmentary * frictionless * interchangeable * modular * efficient * effective * effortful * iterative * surprising * stressful DEEPER LEARNING GREATER PERSISTENCE
The Compass Project in California state demographic and workforce trends * two kinds of transfer * theories of change
The Compass Project in California state demographic and workforce trends two kinds of transfer theories of change *
how do we get from here to there?
Give Students a Compass beta sites in California May, 2009
Give Students a Compass beta sites in California May, 2009
Give Students a Compass beta sites in California May, 2009
Give Students a Compass beta sites in California May, 2009
Give Students a Compass change networks in California May, 2009
Give Students a Compass change networks in California May, 2009 communications
Give Students a Compass change networks in California May, 2009 communications faculty
Give Students a Compass change networks in California May, 2009 communications faculty networking
Give Students a Compass change networks in California May, 2009 communications conferences faculty networking
California State Budget
the new GE paradigm will be: purposeful
the new GE paradigm will be: purposeful * outcomes work
the new GE paradigm will be: purposeful * outcomes work * clarity for families
the new GE paradigm will be: purposeful * outcomes work * clarity for families * goal-oriented transfer
the new GE paradigm will be: purposeful demonstrable
the new GE paradigm will be: purposeful demonstrable * signature assignments
the new GE paradigm will be: purposeful demonstrable * signature assignments * ePortfolios
the new GE paradigm will be: purposeful inclusive demonstrable
the new GE paradigm will be: purposeful inclusive demonstrable * High-Impact Practices
the new GE paradigm will be: purposeful inclusive demonstrable * High-Impact Practices * student affairs
the new GE paradigm will be: purposeful inclusive demonstrable * High-Impact Practices * student affairs * messages
the new GE paradigm will be: purposeful inclusive demonstrable
the new GE paradigm will be: purposeful inclusive demonstrable
the new GE paradigm will be: purposeful inclusive demonstrable
the new GE paradigm will be: purposeful inclusive demonstrable
the new GE paradigm will be: purposeful inclusive demonstrable
the new GE paradigm will be: purposeful inclusive demonstrable
the new GE paradigm will be: purposeful inclusive demonstrable
the new GE paradigm will be: purposeful inclusive demonstrable VALUE
Give Students a Compass in the California State University May, 2009