St. Mary’s Parish Meeting
St. Mary’s Catholic Church & St. Mary’s Catholic School: Notable Figures & Facts To remain Viable as a Parish and as a School
Parish Census Response 524 Envelopes were sent to current Parishioner list. 14 were returned undeliverable 11 asked to be dropped as members of St. Mary’s 231 were affirmative responses: 49% 268 were not returned: 51%
Baptisms 2000 to Present 2000: 14, 12 babies (St. Mary 2, CCD 1) 2001: 25, 20 babies (St. Mary 4, CCD 3) 2002: 17, 13 babies (St. Mary 1, CCD 3) 2003: 14, 8 babies (St. Mary 2, CCD 0) 2004: 12, 11 babies (St. Mary 1, CCD 0) 2005: 20, 14 babies (Pre-School 2) 2006: 17, 12 babies 2007: 22, 10 children (St. Mary’s 6) 2008: 7, 4 children (St. Mary’s 1)
Sunday Collections July 1, 1995 to Present
Same Chart by Year ’95 to ’08
Monthly % to School $3,865 X 4= $15,460 Collection for the month………. July $21774 for 71% Aug $20,339 for 76% Sept $24,965 for 62% Oct $20,670 for 75% Nov $24,145 for 64% Dec $25,593 for 60% Six Month Average is 68% Diocese 34%; Nationally 8%
School Support SMS/SHS Fiscal Yr $337, $341, $380, $426,987TOTAL $356,430$3.2 Million $361, $368, $411, $162,663 as of Jan. 9, 2009
Siesel Fund Performance ($24,444) ($27,772) ($1,627) $28, $27, $23, $23, $ ($27,986 as of 9/30/2008)
St. Mary’s Westville Foundation Interests $3, $9, $7, $18, $24, $25, $26, $14,123 Total$129,401
Bequests to Foundation $225,000 CD’s to Foundation $215, $100, $55, $103, $95, $ $10,000 Bequests=$804,479
St. Mary’s Budget Overview July 1 st to June 30 th 2009 Income Extraordinary $124,668 Ordinary $335,250 $459,919
Expenses: Donations: $18,600 Assessments: $241,650 ($106,733 to date) Capital Improvemnets: $1,000 Equipment/Buildings: $31,650 Parish Fund Raising: $54,440 Household: $5,100 Travel: $500 Religious Ed CCD: $550 Salaries & Benefits: $78,206 Extra Clergy: $1,000 Supplies & Services: $26,610 Foundation Expense: $26,227 Total Expense: $485,534
July 1 st to June 30 th, 2009 Parish Budget Overview Total Income: $459,919 Total Expenses: $485,534 Net Ordinary Income: ($25,615)
ADA SHORTFALL 2002 TO GOAL $30,621 $3,811 12% 2003 GOAL $33,518 $8,098 24% 2005 GOAL $34,888 $19,343 56% 2006 GOAL $36,162 $27,597 76% 2007 GOAL $36,195 $19, % 2008 GOAL $35,361 $12,176 34%
St. Mary’s of Westville, IL Foundation Articles of Incorporation was filed with the State of Illinois on Oct. 2, 2003 St. Mary’s of Westville Foundation is legally independent of St. Mary’s Parish and the Diocese of Peoria and is a tax deducible 501 (c) (3) Not For Profit Corporation Purpose: Charitable, religious, & education.
St. Mary’s of Westville Foundation $400,000 in current CD’s Recently open CD: $100, Pay debt to Diocese $46, $53, $400, At the end of July 2008$453,803.25
St. Mary’s of Westville, Foundation 2003: $672, : $730,993 (-$53,365) 2005: $677, 628 (+$47,248) 2006: $724,876 (-$116,272) 2007: $608,604 (-$136,692) At the end of 2008, we are currently at: $471,912 At an April 2008 Meeting the Foundation has set a bottom figure of $400,000
St. Mary’s of Westville, Foundation DECEMBER 31 ST, 2008 $471,912 LESS PROJECTED BUDGET SHORTFALL: $23,815 ($37,000) (WHICH INCLUDES 2008 ADA SHORTFALL OF $12,176)_____________ $448,097
History of St. Mary’s Foundation Paid expenses 2003 to 2008 ADA shortfalls: $84,627 Church Restoration: $162,892 Professional Services $65,028 Insurance for Trustees $5,208 Bank: $1,022 Schlarman HS: $60,440 Fees: 530 Property/liability: $124,332 Misc. exp School exp.: $12,348 Capital Improvement to school: $78,430 Siesel Fund: $57,029 Labor Day: $105,215
Major St. Mary’s Parish Pay-outs Church Restoration: $162,892 (Nov. ‘03 to March ‘04) Rectory Capital Improvement: $3,826 (4/2004 to 6/08) Sequestered Capital Improvement (Boyle Endowment) Rectory $35,046 (Nov to Aug. ’01) School $73,969 (Aug to April ’02) Church $41,035 ($15,000 restroom & $24,000 A/C Heating) Church Roof: $136,659 Murals: Privately Donated
St. Mary’s Grade School & The Meitler study
II. Elementary Enrollment 26 Counties in the Diocese of Peoria K to 8 th Grade Enrollment has dropped from 10,227 (’02-03) to 9,058 (’07-08) = an 11% decrease in a five year period (14% Nationally and 16% regionally) Catholic Students 93% and 89% White
IV. Demographics Total population ages 0 to 4 in counties with a Catholic school is projected to increase 8% between 2000 & In Vermillion (Region 2) this population is projected to decline from 2000 to 2010 by 12%. A decline in population is projected to continue in Vermillion Co. through 2020.
IV. Demographics continued Counties with schools: Ages 5 to 14 decline of 3% to 2010 & then increase of 8% to However, for Vermillion County the 5 to 14 age group will decline by 9% to 2010 and continue to decline by 9% to Public Schools projection is 1% decline within counties with a Catholic School; however, a 7% decline through in counties without a Catholic School— (Vermillion county is on the Illinois poverty WARNING list.)
IV. Demographics continued Racial/Ethnic Growth: Hispanic population is the fastest ethnic group in Peoria Diocese (except for Hancock & McDonough counties) Very little, if any, Hispanic population in Westville
IV. Demographics continued 2008 Report on Illinois Poverty: Counties Well-Being Indicators 22 Counties on the Poverty Warning List and need to initiate corrective action—3 of these are in the Diocese of Peoria. There are 5 elementary and 2 High Schools in these three counties. Vermillion County has 3 elementary schools and one High School.
IV. Demographics continued Median Family Household Income Vermillion Co. $48,552 (McLean Co. $72,620 with an average of $59,874). Vermillion Co.: average elementary school tuition/fees w/two children is $2,882 or 5.9% of median family income. McLean Co.: $4,353 or 6% median income.
IV. Demographics continued FINANCES The prevailing model of elementary school funding is low tuition, high support from parishes & limited fundraising & development. In the average for income from elementary school tuition/fees was 61% nationally and 49% for the Diocese of Peoria. The average for parish support was 8% nationally and 34% for the Diocese of Peoria. St. Mary’s: 24&31% and 68% monthly avg.
IV. Demographics continued Tuition & Per Pupil Cost National Catholic Education Association reports tuition for Great Lakes Region at $2,479 ($3,159 nationally). The average Catholic High School tuition was $5,901 in the Midwest and $6,906 nationally.
IV. Demographics continued Tuition Assistance For the school year, 1,934 elementary students are receiving $2.4 Million. 1,554 High School students: $1.8 Million Diocese of Peoria $500,000 in tuition assistance via Spalding Foundation Parishes are assisting with $2 Million
IV. Demographics continued DIOCESAN PARISH INVESTMENT TO ’06-07: Income increased 10% but the inflation rate increased was 16%. Average Diocesan Parish Support = 44% In ’06-07 & ’05-06, more than 60% of the parishes w/elementary school contributed 50% or more of ordinary income. (St. Mary’s is 68%)
IV. Demographics continued Teacher Compensation: Diocese recommends beginning salaries be at least 80% of school district. Development/Fundraising: Average of 10% for elementary school & 19% of High Schools. Few Elementary School have consistent development/fundraising efforts & have some type of endowments. Little is done to grow these endowments; & schools rely on donations or bequests. Spalding Scholarship Fund: Goal of $12 Million
IV. Demographics continued FAITH KNOWLEDGE GRADE DIOC. AVG. NATIONAL AVG. 5 TH 78%71% 8 TH 81%71% Most Grade Sch. Offers art, music, & P.E. but not foreign language. IOWA testing (3,6,&8 th grades); Diocesan results are above AVERAGE & Technology equiped.
IV. Demographics continued LEADERSHIP & GOVERNANCE Pastors w/schools extremely supportive of Catholic Schools. Pastors & Principals: mutually supportive, respect each other’s role and model a positive, collaborative working relationship for the parish and school community.
IV. Demographics continued ENROLLMENT Need to stabilize & ultimately increase elementary enrollment. Difficult in some areas due to the current economic situation, projected school-age population & fewer baptisms. Needed: Increased capacity from 71% to 90% (St. Mary’s is below 50% capacity) Needed: Increased class size: Average 19 students (St. Mary’s is around 7 to 8 students).
IV. Demographics continued What is a Fiscally Sound School? School budget is primarily tuition driven & balanced. Employee compensation is Just and adequate to attract & retain qualified, excellent teachers.
Conclusion of the Meitler Study for St. Mary’s School RECOMMENDATION 1. St. Mary School should give immediate consideration to adopting a multi-age model of instruction. If this approach does not achieve viability, then consideration should be given for St. Mary School to transition students to Danville Catholic schools. Strategies 1.1 The principal should research the multi-age model and begin a process to educate parents and teachers about the model and how a transition to the multi- age model will occur. 1.2 The principal and pastor should keep themselves well informed through planned communication with the Danville principals and pastors about any changes in grade structure or location.
Rationale K to 8 enrollment was 90 in with an average class size of 10. Grades 5 & 6 operated as one multi-age class, as did grades 7 and 8. Some teachers find the multi-age classroom a challenge. St. Mary School operated at 49% capacity in Catholic student enrollment declined from 70% in to 60% in St. Mary School is located eight miles south of [Danville] on a main route. St. Mary Parish contributes the equivalent of 77% of ordinary income to support its school ($262,571) and Schlarman High School ($5,838). The table on page 16 indicates that St. Mary Parish experienced declines in registered parish households, religious education enrollment, First Communions & confirmations since Capital repairs within the next five years are projected to cost $202,000. An additional $50,000 is estimated for the following six to ten years.
Now to St. Mary’s School
School Year Average Cost per Child Cost to run St. Mary’s School $590,545 Divided by 69 pupils Equals $8,559 per child Catholic Tuition $2,049 or 24% (reg. avg. $2,479) Non-Cath. Tuition $2,678 or 31% By Comparison: Schlarman 35% Holy Family 40.7%; Diocese 49%; Nationally 61% (Tuition avg. $3,159)
COST per STUDENT 69 into $590,545 = $8,559 Catholic Non-Catholic $8,559 -$2,049 (24%)-$2,678 (31%) $6,510 $5,881 X41 X28 $266,910(60%)$164,668 (40%) Cost to parish $6,510 & $5,881 per child Total Cost less tuition to parish & fundraising $431,578
St. Mary’s Grade School Percent of Catholic/Non-Catholics 60/40% Percent of Catholic/Non-Catholics Diocesan Wide is: 92/8%
School Fundraising Income by % 3 Year Fund Raising Income Trend against income expense 2005/06 Fundraising income 9.3% 9.4% 2006/07 Fundraising income 7.8% 7.7% 2007/08 Fundraising income 8.2% 8.4% By comparison: Holy Family is 20%; Schlarman is 50%, & the Diocese of Peoria is 49%
St. Mary’s School Fundraising efforts by Wilbur Dickson & Michael Burris Labor DayPancake & Sausage Bkfast Christmas Bazaar Spaghetti Dinner Fish games Christmas Cards & Mother’s Day Baskets Scrip Program (started August 2008) SchoolPop/Onecause (started August ’08) Search & Give (started August 2008)
Fundraising Efforts continued Total percent of budget = 9% 20 Catholic Foundations/Grants pursued Only 1 successful Grant = Lights St. Mary’s Grade School Alumni mailing (July 2008 with no response from 846 Alumni)
Labor Day Weekends 2004/05 (Centennial year) $27, /06 $25, /07 (bad weather) $14, /08 $21, /09 $17,127
Enrollment K to 8 th Grade
School Building & Grounds Assessment—Larn Moffitt Window Replacement Plumbing Tuck Pointing Kitchen Appliances Steam Heating System Restrooms Ventilation & Air Conditioning Parking Lot
Bequests to Foundation $225,000 CD’s to Foundation $215, $100, $55, $103, $95, $ $10,000 Bequests=$804,479
St. Mary’s of Westville, Foundation DECEMBER 31 ST, 2008 $471,912 LESS PROJECTED BUDGET SHORTFALL: $23,815 ($37,000) (WHICH INCLUDES 2008 ADA SHORTFALL OF $12,176)_____________ $448,097