SIEP HSE Management System Leadership and Commitment Policy and Strategic Objectives CORPORATE Organisation, Responsibilities Resources, Standards & Doc. PROCESS TASK Hazard and Effects Management Corrective Action Planning & Procedures Implementation Monitoring Audit Corrective Action & Improvement Corrective Action & Improvement Management Review
Leadership & Commitment HSE an integral part of business Do managers effectively balance any conflict in the competing requirements to safeguard technical integrity and to optimise cashflow? Do staff believe that management and supervisors are serious about the priority of HSE matters? Do managers and supervisors periodically visit worksites and attend departmental safety meetings? Do managers and supervisors lead by example - do they follow their own rules?
Policy & Strategic Objectives Challenging policy and objectives understood by all Is there a Health, Safety and Environment policy? Are strategic objectives defined (also for HSE aspects)? Do the policy and objectives require continuous improvement, and set a leadership goal? Are objectives cascaded to tasks and targets for all staff? Does the policy contain an explicit statement that work should be stopped/not started if unsafe? Are the policy and objectives endorsed by the present chief executive? Are they readily available to employees and contractors? Do employees and contractors understand policy and objectives? Is Contractors' HSE management is consistent with Company's?
Organisation, Responsibilities, Resources, Contractor Mgt Organisation, Responsibilities, Resources, Contractor Mgt. Communications, HSE-MS Doc. Standards and Change Control Is the organisation appropriate? Are boundaries and interfaces adequately described? Are responsibilities defined to fully cover all activities? Is there an appropriate balance between line staff and advisers? Do all staff have job descriptions (also defining HSE aspects)? Do staff understand and accept their responsibilities and authorities? Are resources adequate for effective HSE management?
Organisation, Responsibilities, Resources, Contractor Mgt Organisation, Responsibilities, Resources, Contractor Mgt. Communications, HSE-MS Doc. Standards and Change Control Are job competence needs defined? Are individual competencies assessed against the job requirements? Are the mandatory competency requirements being complied with? Is there an structured HSE training system? Does the HSE training system meet line requirements? Are there documented procedures for the separate stages of the contracting process? Are relevant HSE clauses in contracts adequate? Are Contractors required to submit a description of how risks will be systematically managed to ALARP prior to being allowed to start work
Organisation, Responsibilities, Resources, Contractor Mgt Organisation, Responsibilities, Resources, Contractor Mgt. Communications, HSE-MS Doc. Standards and Change Control Is there a structured system for HSE communication? Are HSE bulletin boards available carrying appropriate and current information? Are staff (at all levels) HSE motivated? Is the Corporate HSE-MS substantially complete Is there a project / departmental HSE - MS Manual? Are shortfalls in the HSE-MS identified and is an action plan for rectification in place? Are standards clearly defined and appropriate? Are hazards and effects documented in an HSE case? Is there an effective document control system? Is there effective change and variance control?
Contractor HSE What is contracted? equipment and personnel specified product or service Contractor HSE management system Pre-qualification: can contractor meet all HSE req’s? Role of contract holder/ single point responsibility Contract HSE plan have all hazards been identified are controls in place to eliminate/control hazards are systems in place to verify: audits and inspections
HEMP Have all hazards and effects been identified? Have all risks and effects from from hazards been evaluated? Have appropriate measures been defined and implemented to reduce tolerable risks to ALARP level? Are the procedures and other measures and practices effective in containing hazards at ALARP level? Have hazard controls been assigned to responsible parties look in team activity and hazard sheets are the responsible parties aware are the controls being implemented
Planning and Procedures 1 Is there an effective integrated planning process, including short, medium and venture life plans? Do plans align with corporate objectives? Do plans cover all activities necessary to protect asset integrity? Is there an annual HSE plan? Emergency response (ER) Are adequate ER plans and procedures in place within a defined hierarchy? Are ER plans and procedures available where required? Are ER plans and procedures known and understood and used? Are ER plans and procedures and plans systematically reviewed/updated?
Planning and Procedures 2 Are adequate procedures in place within a defined hierarchy? Are procedures appropriate to the operation and do they define mandatory aspects? Are procedures available where required? Are procedures known and understood and used? Are procedures and plans systematically reviewed/updated?
Implementation & Monitoring Is work implemented in line with plans and procedures? Do supervisors regularly check the work of their subordinates and provide remedial advice as needed? Are performance measurement and control systems established? Are improvement targets set and achieved, are there regular reviews at all levels? Is performance measured against SMART targets and are appropriate and timely reports generated? Are control breakdowns investigated and remedied? Is non-compliance adequately dealt with? Is there an adequate system for incident investigation reporting?
A structured programme in place Audit A structured programme in place Is there an Internal Audit Committee? Is there an integrated audit programme? How is the audit programme managed? Are audits truly independent? Are the audit resources adequate and competent? Are audit recommendations comprehensively followed-up? Is the follow-up process adequately reported? Is there a system for lateral application of audit recommendations?
Management retain overview and stimulate improvement Review Management retain overview and stimulate improvement Is there a comprehensive HSE review (at least annually)? Is there an effective management inspection visit programme? Is asset integrity periodically assessed by management? Are audit reports (singly and cumulatively) reviewed by management? Are incident investigations (singly and cumulatively) reviewed by management? Do managers of an appropriate level lead investigations of serious incidents? What improvements have resulted from the management review process? Do management have their eyes on (the right) ball?