1 General Fund Outlook * Shortfall line is the amount that cannot be funded using the assumed revenues & expenditures. The shortfall is only created after the Economic Uncertainty Fund is depleted, but the Hurricane/Disaster Reserve always remains fully funded. Assumes 3% growth in sales taxes, FPL and CST and 3% growth in most expenditures. Does not include Sarasota CRA extension (payments end in FY16). Not reflective of the one time $8M available cash due to reserve policy change (90 to 75 Days)
2 General Fund Outlook (current projections plus various annual expenses) * Shortfall line is the amount that cannot be funded using the assumed revenues & expenditures. The shortfall is only created after the Economic Uncertainty Fund is depleted, but the Hurricane/Disaster Reserve always remains fully funded.
3 General Fund Outlook (current projections plus various one-time expenses) * Shortfall line is the amount that cannot be funded using the assumed revenues & expenditures. The shortfall is only created after the Economic Uncertainty Fund is depleted, but the Hurricane/Disaster Reserve always remains fully funded.