Johnson Street Bridge Replacement Project Technical Briefing April 8, 2015
New Intersection Harbour & Esquimalt Road
Delta Hotel Access
Rest Pier Completion
West Abutment
Bascule Pier Big Pour
Intermediate Pier
New Project Schedule Key Milestones Steel Fabrication & ShippingMarch 1, 2015 – June 5, 2016 (66 weeks) Bridge Machinery FabricationFeb. 23, 2015 – Nov. 23, 2015 (39 weeks) Bridge Decks – EastJune 26, 2015 – Oct. 23, 2015 (17 weeks) Bridge Decks – WestJune 26, 2015 – Sept. 18, 2015 (12 weeks) Bridge Machinery InstallationNov. 23, 2015 – Feb 1, 2016 (10 weeks) Site Shut DownFeb. 23, 2016 – June 5, 2016 (15 weeks) Steel Bridge ErectionJune 5, 2016 – Sept. 18, 2016 (15 weeks) Bascule Span (Miscellaneous):Sept. 18, 2016 – Nov 27, 2016 (10 weeks) Traffic shift/bridge ready for trafficJan. 15, 2017 DemolitionJan. 15, 2017 – April 16, 2017 (13 weeks) Project completionJune 25, 2017
Project Contingency ItemAmount Initial Contingency $2,515,000 Value Engineering Savings $ 300,000 Current Contingency Commitments -$1,344,573 Projected Contingency items -$1,870,500 Contingency Shortfall -$ 400,000
Financial Impact Description of CostsAmount Insurance$ 280,000 Additional city costs$ 420,000 Professional consulting services $1,800,000 Current contingency shortfall $ 400,000 Legal costs for mediation$ 400,000 Unallocated contingency to completion $1,500,000 Total$4,800,000
Project Budget – Costs Presented to Council in March These costs were recently presented Council and an additional $4.8 million was requested for the project $1.5 million was granted by Council This brings the total budget for the Johnson Street Bridge Project to $94.3 million
Steel Fabrication
Steel fabrication restarted in March New quality control oversight program now in place in the steel fabrication plant Work done to improve Quality Management Plan and Inspection and Testing Plan
Steel Fabrication Non-destructive examination of Orthotropic Steel Deck mockup to inspect quality of welds
Steel Fabrication Truss web plates after plasma cutting. Quality Control verifying traceability of material
Steel Fabrication Regular inspections by the fabricator and the contractor’s quality control consultants Ensures the bridge is constructed to the highest standard of the design – any steel not meeting the highest quality and safety specifications will be not be accepted by the City
Steel Fabrication Overhead robotic gantry welding equipment used in the production of orthotropic deck panels
Steel Fabrication Ring flange plates cut and beveled, prior to bending to the radius of the rings
How the Bridge is Constructed The steel bridge has six main components: two rings, two forward trusses, a counterweight and the steel deck The counterweight and steel deck connect the ring and truss structures together to form the complete bridge
How the Bridge is Constructed
Fabrication begins with the rings Starts with cutting, rolling, and splicing together of curved plates that form the ring The sides and middle areas of the rings are made by splicing together sections of steel plate to create three complete web-like elements per ring
How the Bridge is Constructed Robotic welding of the orthotropic steel deck test panel
How the Bridge is Constructed After the pieces are complete and inspected, they are aligned and the ring is progressively welded together The trusses are fabricated in a similar fashion to the rings by creating long, slender pieces of steel, which are then progressively assembled into a fully welded structure
How the Bridge is Constructed
The deck is constructed with a series of orthotropic panels (a steel plate with welded ribs for added support) that are spliced together and connected with the floor beams The deck and floor beams are later connected to each truss to create a fully welded structure
How the Bridge is Constructed
When the components are complete, inside the steel fabrication factory there are a number of trial assemblies and tests to ensure the bridge performs as it is designed to After the bridge has been assembled, tested and measured in position, the machinery responsible for the raising and lowering of the bridge will be installed
How the Bridge is Constructed
The various bridge components will then be painted and packaged for shipping to Victoria on an ocean freight vessel The estimated timelines are: –Fabrication – 7-9 months –Trial erection – 2-3 months –Painting – 1-2 months –Travel time from China to Victoria – 2 months
Seismic Design
Presentation in March to explain the seismic design to Council The design standards for the Johnson Street Bridge that the H&H final design are based on are the most comprehensive and relevant design requirements for bascule bridges in North America
Seismic Design The new JSB has been designed as a “Critical Bridge” – the equivalent to the definition of “Lifeline Bridge”, the performance required by the City The design of new JSB will allow the bridge to be available to all traffic after a design earthquake of 1/1000 years.
Seismic Design The JSB is being designed and constructed to a very high seismic standard meeting the most stringent current codes in North America The JSB will “be usable by emergency vehicles and for security/defense purposes immediately after a large earthquake, e.g. a 2500-yr return period event”
Machinery Fabrication
Next Steps Next Quarterly Update to Council in May Continued onsite work by PCL Arrival of the steel bridge span in June 2016 Updates to Council as needed on contingency and possible project cost savings
Thank You Questions