The ASU Sundial Project Anna M. Zaniewski STAR
The Challenges: -Too little diversity -Low retention
Too Little Diversity (AIP 2012) Representation of women has stagnated in nearly all STEM fields in the last decade (PCAST 2012)
Too Little Diversity (AIP 2012) 20% of US population (college age) 14% of US population (college age)
Too Few Graduates Projected shortfall of 1 million STEM graduates over next decade (PCAST 2012)
Low retention STEM shortfall can be eliminated by increasing STEM retention rate from about 40% to about 50% (NSF 2002)
High STEM degree completion rates Compass Summer Program students (classes of ’11, ’12, ‘13) *Berkeley STEM statistics not yet available. Estimate based on typical STEM graduation rate at prestigious universities (Seymour 1997). ASU Physics- 6 year Freshman to graduation completion rate 22% 1 year female retention rate 35% / 1 year male retention rate 60% ASU Physics- 6 year Freshman to graduation completion rate 22% 1 year female retention rate 35% / 1 year male retention rate 60%
Serving a diverse community Compass Summer Program students (N = 88) compared to Berkeley Physics Department average
Successful STEM Education (Seymour 1995) “Above all, [students] appreciated faculty, professional advisors, departmental assistants, and teaching assistants who showed an active long-term interest in their learning, their problems, and their progress.”
ASU Sundial and UC Berkeley Compass Hands-on science projects
Community Building ASU Sundial and UC Berkeley Compass
Mentoring ASU Sundial and UC Berkeley Compass
Thank you!