Campus Open Forum Porterville College November 28 & 29, 2012
AGENDA Budget Update Budget Projection Core of the Core Task Force
State Budget Outlook California Budget LAO Fiscal Outlook Structural Shortfall 13/14 LAO Project $1.9 Billion Education Funding January 2013 Governor’s Budget Adjustment ? ? ?
KCCD Budget Outlook Budget Premise Tax proposal passed - $6 million restored 50% District Wide Calculation = 53% Budget Balanced on Reserves - Structural Imbalance
PC Budget Outlook Budget Premise Tax proposal passed - $988,239 restored to budget Budget Balanced on Reserves - $384,067 (8%) Reserve Balance - $4,656,734 Structural Imbalance Proposed to resolve through attrition Operational efficiencies Core of the Core recommendations
PC Budget California Tax Ballot Initiative Projected Budget ItemFailsPasses Budget Shortfall($1,701,398) (449,658.16) Reduction in FTES(396.02)0.00 Reduction in Sections(99.25)0.00 FON (FTE)(7.54)(3.00)* * 5 faculty retirements received for ; however, PC will need to replace 2 faculty members for The estimated savings from the 3 retirements is approximately $360,000.
Core of the Core Task Force Administrators Faculty Virginia Gurrola Bret Davis Arlitha Harmon Jim Entz Bill HenryRichard Goode Steve SchultzSusan Regier (CCA) Joel Wiens (Senate) ClassifiedStudent Janice HalopoffGenevie Bunch Tiffany Haynes (CSEA)
Task Force Mission In the Spring of 2012, the campus formed the Core of the Core Task Force to analyze programs and budget priorities. The task force was divided into four groups that reviewed PC’s transfer degrees, certificates, basic skills, and developed a new college operations proposal. Understanding the uncertainty of the state funding, the college reinstituted the Core of the Core Task Force in September This open forum will present the findings of the task force.
New Community College Concept
Institutional Planning The goal is to “see new ways” of providing academic and support services to students by looking beyond the current environment through a “new set of eyeglasses”. This will ensure that Porterville College continues to provide academic opportunities for students and prospective students. How can limited resources be reallocated to bring effective educational practices to scale? How can academic programs or courses be reorganized? How will the colleges ensure equity in educational outcomes?
Efficiency Opportunities: Streamlined and coordinated services Introduced new technologies Restructured through attrition –Eliminated positions –Reclassified positions with expanded job duties –Reduced positions from 12 months to 10/9 months
Administration: Position comparison –Regulatory Requirements Accreditation Reports (2006) Title V – section State Licensing Board –Industry Best Practices Sarbanes Oxley Technology Requirements –District Reorganizations (Child Development Center) Position Restructuring ( )
College Support Structure Interacts with customers including handling calls, classifying and routes student requests Processes and investigates student requests for resolution Accountable for department goals and oversees operations
College Support Structure Umbrella the different support services into a single organization Restructure Matriculation to hire two adjunct counselors Use technology to minimize manual paper transactions Expand revenue generating electronic testing center capabilities Develop a cross training/customer service training program
Instructional Program Priorities The committee recommended creating informed and clear pathways to enhance student success. 1.Provide transfer degree and programs 2.Enhance and diversify the college’s academic offerings for Transfer, Basic Skills, and CTE needs 3.Provide learning and support services that foster and enhance student success 4.Create programs that address state and public priorities 5.Respond effectively and responsibly to workforce development needs 6.Enroll matriculated students that are informed of the college’s educational opportunities and pathways
Discontinuance Guidelines Enrollment data Posted completers/awards Family of courses Employment statistics Transferability
Instructional Program Discontinuance Division ProposalsRecommendations Accounting Certificate Information Systems AA Art- Studio Certificate & AA Instructional Aide Certificate Art- Commercial Certificate Photography AA Office Technology Certificate & AA Photography Certificate Vocational Nursing (Suspended) Other programs under consideration have been referred to the VP of Instruction for discussion with the respective division chair.
Additional Recommendations Community Education & Outreach –Child Development Center –Summer College for Kids Coordinated by CTE and Divisions –Tribal Relationships Coordinated by Dean Academic Affairs and Student Services.
Additional Recommendations Logistics –Class Size Reduction Pedagogical class size –Course Offerings C-ID numbers –Emerging Industries Tulare County Workforce Investment Board (TCWIB) projects –Grant Opportunities –Credit Basic Skills (Level 4 – Eng 80) Embedded remediation vs linked course
Additional Recommendations Intro to English as a Second Language (P090) ESL: College Readiness Bilingual Academic Success: Beginning Math Basics Series Learning Skills For The Workplace Non-Credit Basic Skills Programs Noncredit instruction plays a pivotal role in helping students transition to careers and college, including opening the doorway to basic preparation, transfer level courses, and higher paying jobs. Funding is provided by the State on a positive attendance formula.