Procedure for release of GoI funds Requirement of Documents Government of India would release an ad-hoc grant in April every year up to a maximum of 50% of actual funds utilized by the SIS of the State / UT in the previous year for SSA/NPEGEL/KGBV implementation, pending approval of the Annual Work Plan & Budget by the PAB to the State / UT concerned. The ad-hoc grant will be subject to adjustment of unspent balances as available on 1 st April of the current financial year. The ad-hoc grant will be subsequently adjusted while releasing the subsequent installment due to the State / UT, “as per approval of the Annual Work Plan & Budget for the year”. Further installment would be released to the Society only after the State Govt. has transferred its matching funds to the Society and expenditure of at least 50% of the funds (Centre and States) transferred has been incurred. Further release will be stalled if utilization certificates are not submitted as per the schedule.
The release of funds (2 nd and further installment) is also subject to the submission of the following documents : I.Audit Report for the previous year by October 31 st of the current year. II.Utilisation Certificate for the previous year as per the audited accounts. UC to be submitted separately for both Capital and General Head (i.e. 2 UCs containing all the details of opening balance, GoI release, State release, other receipts, expenditure, outstanding advances, unspent balance at the end of the year in the format alongwith certification duly signed by FC, SPD and Statutory Auditors. III.Cumulative position of State share showing the details for each of the year and the net excess / shortfall in a particular month. IV.Expenditure statement (upto date) at the time of release of the installment. V.Balance outstanding advances as on date showing clearly advances pertaining to the previous years and the updated status both under Cap. & Gen. Head and the adjustment of advances during the current yea pertaining to the previous year.
Status of Funds Releases by GoI State/ UTGoI share of Net OutlayTotal GoI Releases Gen HeadCapital Head TotalGeneral Head Capital HeadTotal A & N Isnds AP Ar. Pradesh Assam Bihar Chandigarh Chhattisgarh D & N Haveli Daman & Diu Delhi Goa Gujarat Haryana HP J&K Jharkhand Karnataka Kerala
Status of Funds Releases by GoI State/ UTGoI share of Net OutlayTotal GoI Releases Gen HeadCapital Head TotalGeneral Head Capital HeadTotal Lakshadweep MP Maharashtra Manipur Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland Odisha Puducherry Punjab Rajasthan Sikkim Tamil Nadu Tripura UP Uttarakhand West Bengal Total
Status of Funds Releases by GoI State/ UTBalance GoI Share dueRemarks Gen HeadCapital HeadTotal A & N Isnds separate UC for Gen. & Cap. Head to be submitted AP Bal. outstanding advances to be cleared for further releaes Ar. Pradesh Audit Report for and other documents still awaited. Assam MHRD has sought clarification for funds received from other sources. Bihar Huge outstanding advances (more than the entitled balance to be released) Chandigarh Chhattisgarh Bal. outstanding advances to be cleared for further releaes D & N Haveli UCs show receipt of development fund which is carried forward and MHRD has sought for clarification. Daman & Diu Delhi Revised UC still awaited. Goa Release under process. Gujarat Releases completed. Haryana Revised UC received. Release under process. HP Revised UC and other clarification received. Release under process.
Status of Funds Releases by GoI State/ UTBalance GoI Share dueRemarks Gen HeadCapital HeadTotal J&K Bal. outstanding advances to be cleared for further releaes Jharkhand Separate UC for Cap. & Gen. Head still awaited. Karnataka Clarification sought for – status of outstanding advances as on date. Separate Cap. & Gen. Head. Kerala Separate UC for Cap. & Gen. Head. Status of State share, balance outstanding statement still awaited. Lakshadweep Separate UC not received. MP nd installment released. Further releases can be considered after adjustment of advance. Maharashtra nd installment released. Further releases can be considered after adjustment of advance. Manipur nd installment released. Further releases can be considered after adjustment of advance. Meghalaya Release under process. Mizoram Separate UC duly signed awaited. State share shortfall to be released. Nagaland Odisha Release under process.
Status of Funds Releases by GoI State/ UTBalance GoI Share dueRemarks Gen HeadCapital HeadTotal Puducherry Release under Gen. Head shown in Cap. Needs to be corrected and separate UC furnished again. Punjab Revised UC showing clearly the excess expenditure in Cap. Head to be submitted. Rajasthan Sikkim Revised UC is not complete. No certification has been given duly signed by the concerned officials. Tamil Nadu Bal. outstanding advances to be cleared for further releases Tripura Separate UC for Cap. & Gen. Head still awaited. UP Bal. outstanding advances to be cleared for further releases Uttarakhand Release under process. West Bengal Audit Report for awaited. Total
Status of Funds Releases by GoI in North Eastern States S. No.States (NER)Outlay Approved during Amount Released durng Assam Arunachal Pradesh Manipur Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland Sikkim Tripura Total
Releases ( ) as on (Rs. in Actual) SC (789) GeneralCapital ST (796) GeneralCapital Others (111) GeneralCapital Other than NER SC (789) GeneralCapital ST (796) GeneralCapital Others (111) GeneralCapital NER Total GeneralCapital Total GeneralCapital