HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver Staff Review Process: Impact and Implications April 2014 HOUSTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT
HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver Effective Teachers Initiative Smart recruitment and staffing Useful appraisals Individualized teacher support New career pathways and compensation Effective teaching in every classroom every day.ETI VISION STRATEGY We will build an effective teaching force district-wide by successfully implementing these four strategies: OUTCOME Better teachers every year district-wide and better student learning outcomes. 2
HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver Last year HISD focused on differential retention by seeking to exit more ineffective teachers and to retain more highly effective teachers % of Ineffective Teachers Were Exited 91% of Highly Effective Teachers Were Retained 77% of 444 Teachers Brought to File Review Were Exited 20% of Ineffective Teachers Were Exited 87% of Highly Effective Teachers Were Retained 90% of 388 Teachers Brought to File Review Were Exited Source: File Review Results June 2013; HISD Board Monitoring System Nov 2013
HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver This year, significantly more teachers were hired than in previous years. 4 Source: HISD PeopleSoft database; new hires as of August 27; AppliTrack Export Oct 2013
HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver Despite a record-breaking hiring season, principals expressed a challenge in finding candidates they believed were a good school fit. Source: Fall 2013 Principal Surveys 56% of principals indicated that finding experienced candidates was a challenge. 41% of principals indicated that finding candidates that were a good cultural fit for their schools was a challenge. 28% of principals indicated that it was a challenge to find candidates willing to work at their campus location “The candidates were certified in the areas needed, however, my school needs experienced teachers. Not all had the experience needed.” “Many of the applicants I interviewed and some that I hired did not have any experience working with children from poverty.” “Candidates were not a good fit for our school-since we are an Apollo school the expectations/demands are perceived to be higher.” “I would like HR to look at the students we serve and send candidates that fit the need.”
HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver Challenges As We Move Forward HISD has permanently lost over $60M in revenue. A shortfall of at least $15M is projected for next year. Surrounding districts have raised base salaries and increased stipends for bilingual teachers; HISD has not increased salaries and has eliminated bilingual stipends. The teacher appraisal system, in its third year, has led to rigorous appraisals that align teacher practices and student outcomes. It is projected that exit levels this year will remain the same – approximately 400 teachers. It is projected that vacancies this year will remain similar to the last few years – approximately 1500 to 2000 teachers. A major shift in district culture and practice is needed to ensure 10,000+ effective teachers in every classroom.