Primary Places in Deptford & New Cross
Background Births in Lewisham have increased by 34% between 2000/01 and 2009/10 Conversion rate of births to requests for places has increased from 69% to 74% Demand for primary places has exceeded supply since 2008/09 YearPlaces Added 2008/0960 places 2009/10255 places 2010/11 & 2011/ places
2011/ places added across 21 schools (many of which have taken a bulge in previous years) Forest Hill & Sydenham: Adamsrill (2009 & 2010) Dalmain (2009 & 2010) Horniman, Kelvin Grove(2010) Kilmorie (2009 & 2010) Rathfern, St William of York Lee Green: John Ball (2009) Brockley, Lewisham, Telegraph Hill: Gordonbrock, Lucas Vale, Myatt Garden, Turnham Catford, Bellingham & Grove Park: Athelney (2010), Coopers Lane, Rushey Green (2010) Sandhurst Infants (2009 & 2010) Deptford & New Cross: Grinling Gibbons, Kender (2010) St Joseph’s Downham: Good Shepherd, Rangefield
Neighbouring Local Authorities There is no centralised summary of the numbers of classes added in other Local Authorities across London Greenwich, Lambeth. Southwark and Bromley have each opened on average 5/6 classes each year There has been little change in patterns of cross-border migration
2012/ permanent places will be added through the enlargement of Kilmorie, Dalmain, Gordonbrock, Brockley, Sandhurst Infants & Juniors, Kender Supply is 3,304 places Demand is projected to be for over 4000 places Borough wide shortfall could be at least 18 forms of entry
Births Births September 1 st 2000 to August 31 st Births September 1 st 2008 to August 31 st Births September 1 st 2009 to August 31 st Increase 2000/01 to 2009/1023% Increase 2008/09 to 2009/102%
Demand for Reception YearHigh ProjectionAdditional Requirement 2012/ (4FE) 2013/ (3.5FE) 2014/ (4FE) 2015/ (4FE)
And later? Demand is projected to increase places places places places
Options We have expanded Kender from 1FE to 2FE We hope to open 2FE at a re-furbished Mornington Centre in 2013 We know that Haberdasher Aske’s are planning to apply to open a 2FE Free school on their site
Other possibilities We have applied for funding that would enable us to rebuild Sir Francis Drake as a 2FE school – decision awaited We are in discussion with the developers of major sites in the area to get either a school built as part of the development OR a financial contribution