Store SEO Webinar Yahoo! Store SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Rob Snell Snell Brothers December 1, 2006 “Make More With Your Yahoo! Store”
Here’s why I obsess over SEO: Search Engine Optimization works for free Web traffic
NUTSHELL: 60 Second SEO Webinar Start with a SE friendly foundation Collect converting keyword phrases (CKWP) Put CKWP in TITLE tags and body text Use internal links (CKWP in anchor text) Get off-site links (CKWP in anchor text) Write unique content in CAPTION text Get more links than the other guy
FOUNDATION: Unlock Parking Brake 1) Pick your main domain 2) Redirect Yahoo! Store URLS (301) 3) Create custom error pages (404) 4) Use free search engine tools 5) Turn on XML feeds 6) Fix the WWW / non WWW problem
FOUNDATION: Pick Your Main Domain Use one domain per store Use main domain as Store Entry Point Link consistently on the site Set the Google WWW / non-WWW Switch
FOUNDATION: Redirect Yahoo! URLS Yahoo! Domain Redirect Settings Use the Y! URL 301 Redirect All store URLS >>> to your main domain So becomes … Consolidates link popularity Fixes the CART / SEARCH problem
FOUNDATION: Create custom 404’s Yahoo: Page Not Found Handling (404s) YUCK: Default error page redirects to your homepage Make a whoops.html page –Use’s 404 as a model Turn Custom 404 on under MGR: Preferences
FOUNDATION: Turn on XML Feeds Free Shopping Engine Traffic –Google’s Froogle,, etc. Allows some 3 rd party XML export tools to work –Monitus tools,, YUCK: Folks can steal your store –Client example, scrapers will anyway …
FOUNDATION: Search Engine Tools MGR: Create a Google Sitemap for Your Store – MGR: Authenticate with Yahoo! Site Explorer Use SE Advanced operators – to see pages indexed – to see back links
FOUNDATION: Fix the non WWW problem One URL for every page – I use BASE HREF –Fixes links off the page –Consolidates link popularity –RTML hack for lack of non-www 301 redirect –Most RTML folks can do this
Optimize your online store Profit from your product knowledge Work your most valuable Web pages (MVP’s) Create a self-optimizing store with templates Collect converting keywords
1) Retailers: You are an expert Show your expertise Write relevant copy Tell me what to buy
Collect your expert content Harvest product Q&A from your sent s Record & transcribe customer phone calls Ask customers if they have product questions Add this product info to your product pages
Pump up your product pages Rewrite manufacturer product descriptions Play “20 Questions” with each product Use competitors’ ideas (both retailers and manufacturers) Use other manufacturer content: –Press releases, –Product sell sheets, –Owners’ manuals, –Catalogs & brochures.
2) Optimize your most valuable pages Home page Info page Top 15 Section pages Top 100 $$$ Products
Optimization starts at home Branding Merchandising Navigation WISMO? Load speed SEO
HOME PAGE: SEO Powerhouse Title tag - Use words Meta description - Company info SERPS snippet. Body copy - Keyword-loaded words Text link navigation - Keywords in sidebar / footer Embedded links votes
HOME PAGE: Merchandising Product SPECIALS Manufacturer Page Links Product shot with text + links
HOME PAGE: Navigation Shop by manufacturer Shop by manufacturer Featured products Featured products Text link navigation Text link navigation Embedded links Embedded links Search
HOME PAGE: Customer service Utility links Contact information
Get the 411 on INFO Pages “More than 50% of folks who order view our info page…”
Use FAQ style links
Show me how I can contact you
Who you are & where you are Photos of owner Show map
SEO SECTIONS (Category pages)
PRODUCTS: Start with best-sellers
3) TEMPLATES: Self-Optimize Create a self-optimizing store by using RTML templates Build SEO elements right into your store pages –TITLE tags, META DESC, H1 headlines, links Use SMART RTML for better SEO Automate marketing messages with RTML –Free shipping, you save, mfg logos, free gifts
Create automatic TITLE tags CUSTOM TITLE TAG = Name + price + savings
Create automatic Meta Descriptions
Add FREE SHIPPING text (detail)
Show manufacturer logos
Build in links for good navigation Link to PREVIOUS, UP, NEXT produc Anchor text gives SEO benefits Makes easier browsing / editing
4) Cash in on Converting Keywords COLLECT: Converting keywords OPTIMIZE: Store product and section page text/links TRACK: Search engine rankings ADVERTISE: Buy paid search ads Rinse and repeat
COLLECT: Converting keywords Use your Yahoo! Store stats: – s. Orders. Reports. History. Get third party analytics –Monitus + Google Analytics; Indextools, ClickTracks Use PPC conversion tracking data –Google Adwords / Yahoo! Search Marketing
Converting keywords case study 200,000 unique keyword phrases 194,305 phrases did NOT convert 5,695 phrases DID convert –4,758 unique terms with one order each –1,150 unique terms with 2 – 1000 orders Obsess over the $$$ money terms
OPTIMIZE: Product / section pages Broad match: keywords on page Phrase match: exact phrase on page Find Most Relevant Page on Your Site –If not, create a Landing Page Link to most relevant page in CAPTIONS
TRACK: Search engine rankings TRACK: Your top 200 $$$ converting keywords –Watch your Top 1000 Converting Keywords –Don’t ignore your more obscure words # ENGINES: Google, Yahoo, MSN, Froogle TOOLS: Bruce Clay’s SEO Toolset + Web Position Gold
ADVERTISE: Buy paid search ads Google Adwords – IMPROVED! Yahoo! Search Marketing (Overture) -- NEW! MSN AdCenter -- NEW!
So now you know what to do! Pimp your product knowledge and profit Work product by product, start with your best-sellers Build in the basic SEO and conversion elements Collect your converting keywords and cash in
And now, Mr. Michael Whitaker… tools for Yahoo! Store owners
Store SEO Webinar Yahoo! Store SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Rob Snell Snell Brothers December 1, 2006 “Make More With Your Yahoo! Store” THE END