Driving Revenue Through Enhanced Workforce Engagement Michigan State Meeting Paul DeBassio VP, Network Engagement & Performance July 17, 2014
United Way’s Workforce Campaign Single best channel in this country to reach and engage people Incredibly valuable and unique United Way asset Major asset to companies that want to engage their employees and achieve their CSR goals Access to employees is a low cost service companies can provide to their community Entry point to optimize Lifetime Donor Value 70% of our revenue Access to 50,000,000 and have 10,000,000 donors
Where and how do we engage these people in our community work?
Challenges How do we keep the campaign “portal” available and valued by companies and donors? How do we best use the portal to engage a range of donors and companies in ways that are meaningful to them?
Enhanced Workforce Engagement Step-by-step “how to” to meet these two challenges Prioritize Your Relationships Create the Culture & Internal Structures Change Your Corporate Relationships Segment, Get to Know and Engage Priority Groups Develop Engagement Opportunities Develop Account Plans Delight Your Donors Track Results & Adjust
Step 1: Prioritize Your Relationships
1. Prioritize Your Relationships Decide on the criteria you will use Create quadrants based on your criteria Determine level of service Plot your accounts Assign accounts to staff (including non- Resource Development) and volunteers
Consider Possible Criteria to Prioritize Current Relationship Organization’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Goals & Alignment to United Way Goals Leadership Support Ability to Influence Participation Rates Use of Best Practices Sector Performance Difficulty/Effort Required to Support Total Revenue
Plotting Accounts in Quadrants 9 Tier 3: “Silver” Tier 1: “ Platinum” Tier 4: “Bronze”Tier 2: “Gold” Description: High Executive Support, Low Participation Description: High Executive Support, High Participation Description: Low Executive Support, High Participation Description: Low Executive Support, Low Participation Goal: Increase Participation Goal: Maintain support Goal: Increase Executive Support Executive Support Employee participation
Step 2: Create the Culture & Internal Structures 10
Switch: Direct the Rider Point to the Destination What are your community impact objectives? What are your community and fundraising aspirations? Become philanthropic partner of choice Must be external/consultative; internal/collaborative Focus on a Strong Beginning & Strong Ending GET MOVING! Don’t obsess about the middle Find the Bright Spots Recognize and celebrate first steps (Utilize weekly rally, monthly Staff) Notice and reinforce positive behaviors May 8,
Switch: Motivate the Elephant: See, Feel, Change SEE: Bright Spots reinforce progress and possibilities FEEL: Energized and hopeful CHANGE: Shrink the change: First six months 3 visits; then 6 visits/week Prioritization, start with “top 20” Any new quest is going to involve failure (elephant hates change) Lack of failure does not equal success We need a growth mindset There must be a learning phase/practice stage May 8,
Switch: Shape the Path What looks like a people problem is often a situation problem No matter what your role is, you’ve got some control over the situation Tweak the Environment Make the right behaviors easier and the wrong behaviors harder Internal meeting free days (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday) Move most internal meetings to 30 minutes Build Habits What’s your “Thin Edge of the Wedge”? Create action triggers (this is where you have control!) Change is a Process Behavior is contagious May 8,
Step 3: Change your Corporate Relationships 14
Change the Conversation – What to Ask What are the Company’s community vision/philanthropic goals? What role do you want to play in delivering this vision? Current philanthropic partners and what do they deliver that is of value to you? Can United Way help better leverage your current philanthropic partners? What role can United Way play to deliver your vision? What level of employee engagement is important to you? What level of recognition is important to you? Who is your target audience? Community, employees, competitors, customers, government officials etc.? What do you wish we would do more of? Stop doing? 15
Step 4: Segment, Get to Know and Engage Priority Groups 16
Step 5: Develop Engagement Opportunities Leadership (Board, Committee Leadership, Champions) On-going Takes a Commitment (Affinity Groups, Mentor, Serve on a Committee) Episodic, Short-Term, One-Time (Food drive, Day of Caring, Stuff Back Packs, See a program in action, tweet, like of Facebook) 17
Engagement Opportunities 18
Step 6: Develop Account Plans 19
Step 7 – Delight your Donors 20
Step 8: Track Results & Adjust 21