550 15th Street, Suite 21 San Francisco, CA TouchableCommerce February 2013 * Product images are courtesy of IGIGI
We are a dedicated team of UI experts with a suite of enterprise software solutions that make your site more user-friendly. We are passionate about making it easier for customers to search, browse, share and purchase products online. For a fraction of the cost to build from scratch, our JavaScript user interface layer helps you increase sales and social product sharing. 2 About EngageUI
You work hard to know your customers and get them to your site. 3 A Partnership That Makes Sense… We make sure you maximize the potential of every website visit. + eTailer Paid Search Ad Campaigns Brand Appeal Repeat Customers Referral Program Touch Optimized State of the Art Search Rich Product Presentation Social Product Sharing Optimized Checkout
Compelling touch-first-design user experience for Tablets and modern browsers 4 JavaScript User Interfaces Lets shoppers set aside, compare and share products. TouchableCommerce™ QuickLooQ™ PinChoose™ Express Checkout Rich Product Presentation for your site, blog, affiliates. Optimized Checkout with address autofill. You focus on your products and customer acquisition... We’ll obsess about your user experience.
The solution that lets you provide tablet shoppers the feel and interactivity of a touch experience using your existing ecommerce platform. It’s a fully customizable User Interface layer that plugs into any platform. Shoppers do not need to download an app to use it. 5 Introducing…
TouchableCommerce builds on familiar online shopping metaphors but takes it to the next level with a compelling user experience that is Fast, Fun and Social. Takes advantage of the immersive and tactile nature of tablets A more flowing UI, that is more conducive to a sit-back, leisurely browsing experience Uses swipes, pinches, flicks Makes better use of limited screen real estate Highly personalized rich and engaging shopping experience Completely re-thought powerful search and filtering capabilities that are sure to delight your shoppers. 6 Built from the ground up for touch…
7 Patent-Pending ProductFlow™ Layout Product images animate larger as shoppers scroll through product thumbnails. Top row interaction controls allow shoppers to swipe views, change colors or pinch to open full-screen zoom. Shoppers can set items aside (“pin”) for further consideration with just one click Maximize emotional impact of product imagery while maintaining exposure to lots of products.
Touch-optimized fast exploration of products’ available size and color combinations with real- time price/availability integration Higher-resolution images are used on high-pixel density (Retina) screens so they look crisp on iPad 3 8 Fast, User-Friendly Product Detail
9 Shopper can swipe the entire product page left/ right Shoppers can swipe in a fast, smooth, flowing fashion allowing for a more leisurely catalog-like browsing experience (but without sacrificing the readability of key content).
10 Shopper can select type of product recommendations TouchableCommerce integrates with your existing product reviews and recommendation systems
11 Visually-Enhanced, Touch-Optimized Site Navigation
12 Portrait-layout Optimized Responsive Design TouchableCommerce utilizes responsive design to support varying screen sizes, ensuring all the UI elements are properly resized and/or re-positioned to accommodate portrait layout.
Unified, consistent experience between keyword search and refinement (filter) navigation that allows changing (or viewing multiple) subcategories and altering search keywords, all without losing refinement selections Guides the shopper to narrow to Mens/Womens/Kids Shoppers can save/share/subscribe to a particular category or search and get notified of new items and price changes 13 Innovative Refinement/Facet Search
Shoppers can search for items in sizes across multiple size groups in one search (i.e. 3 in Women’s or 5 in Juniors) and then conveniently save and name their custom sizes for future visits. 14 Shoppers Can Save Size Selections
Refinement (filter) values presentation is optimized for touch and enhanced with imagery and visual indication of relative quantity of available products for each value. 15 Optimized Display of Refinement Values
16 Multi-Selection Category Hierarchy Facet
17 Special Refinement Rendering - Brand
18 Flick items into Shopping Cart
Allows shoppers to intuitively search by example by clicking on attribute 'tags' (which are constructed automatically from free-form product description) next to each product with instant refresh and automatic widening of search parameters when there are no or too few results 19 Search by Example
Shoppers can intuitively explore products by color/shape similarity 20 Visual Similarity Search
21 One-Click Set-Aside, Compare, Friends’ Comments
22 Social Sharing
23 Social Merchandising
Persistent (between visits) display of recently viewed and favorite (pinned) items Real-time Social Feed shows your visitors who is buying what right now and the most liked/pinned products among their friends, neighbors or all shoppers. Shoppers can re-pin products for themselves and share their actions on the Facebook Timeline. Pinned items can be published to a Wishlist Timeline app on Facebook, where friends and relatives can see them and buy them for her as presents 24 Integrated PinChoose™ Features
Seamlessly integrates into your current ecommerce platform with a unified shopping cart, full leveraging of your platform’s dynamic merchandising capabilities and your existing analytics. Tactile 360-degree rotation of products Maximum use of screen real estate for product imagery with controls intelligently moving out of the way when not needed at the moment, but easy to reach with tactile gestures. Sizes of product images adjust automatically for optimal balance between showing maximum number of products on screen versus clarity and visual impact with category-specific intelligence (i.e. dresses need larger images than shoes) Shoppers can quickly switch between category and product detail views without losing place Paging is replaced with the touch-friendly 'pull for more' metaphor. 25 More TouchableCommerce Features
26 Fully-customizable look and feel
27 Fully-customizable product detail layout
28 Customizable navigation content
Shoppers can conduct multiple searches / refinements and easily switch back and forth between each search's results Multiple taxonomies/navigation paths, dynamic categories (i.e. 'Top 10 Best Selling Black Dresses') Auto-completes / spell-corrects words and phrases Provides instant preview of search results as you type Shows relevant suggested/popular searches Can see prior search history 29 Future Advanced Search Features
Both search and category navigation show products grouped into subcategories and use animation to guide shoppers on how to view multiple or different subcategories. 30 Results Grouped Into Sub-categories
Shoppers could select from retailer-curated set of music channels (with pause/next song controls) to listen to brand-appropriate music throughout their shopping experience (play is not interrupted when navigating between products, categories and other pages) 31 Exciting Possibilities
32 iPad Growth is Unprecedented
33 Tablet Computers are ‘taking over’
Shoppers expect more… Advanced Search, Tablet Optimized, Social Sharing… Your internal IT and engineering cannot keep pace with the competition. Even if they had the time the cost would be prohibitive. 34 Keep Up With the eTailer Arms Race… For More Information – Alex Hisen - VP Product - (866) – Delight your shoppers with the engaging and time-saving experience of our solutions and see more traffic, more returned visitors, more items in the cart and more orders.