LinkedIn: The Basics 2013 Brooke Glover
LinkedIn Professional picture Summary Detailed, Creative, Same as Profile on resume Extension of who you are Don’t obsess Can always add more later
LinkedIn Experience Spend time on this Detailed description of the jobs listed – especially if looking for similar job Omit jobs not relevant, if you can Emphasize accomplishments Recommendations – recruiters love to see
LinkedIn Skills & Expertise Recruiters look at this BUT not that important Make sure you have some skills listed and some endorsements Endorsements: Endorse others and then they will endorse you Ask for endorsements – send
LinkedIn Education o Join alum group Groups o Join as many relevant groups as can!!!!
LinkedIn Tips Spend time every day on LinkedIn Build your “brand” o Starting your own group o Adding comments to groups Connections – Two trains of thought o With only with people in your field o With almost everyone Extension of you and tool to sell yourself as a professional
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