Advanced Principles: Reading the Multiple- Choice Passages Chapter Two:
Reading the Passages in the Multiple-Choice Section O You might want to use a slightly different approach depending whether the passage is prose or poetry. O You are reading in order to answer questions. Ask yourself, “Do I understand well enough to answer multiple-choice questions about what it means?” O You can come back to the passage anytime you want, and you should go back to the passage in order to answer the questions.
Reading the Prose Passage O Preview the Questions : This step is optional but highly suggested. A quick reading of the questions provides CONTEXT. Read only the questions but not the answer choices. Don’t memorize the questions. O Skim the Passages: This should only take a minute. Read the first sentence of the paragraph carefully. Glance over the rest. Read the last sentence. Increases COMPREHENSION!
Reading Prose Cont. O Read the passage: Just read. If you hit a tricky sentence, figure that you will be able to make sense of it from what comes later. One missing piece of the puzzle isn’t going to keep you from getting the overall picture. O Summary -Preview the questions - Skim - Read the main idea
Reading Poetry Passages O Keep an open mind, especially the first time through. O Unlike narrative that unfolds, a poem is meant to be looked at from multiple sides and then taken as a whole. O Read the poem at least 2 times before going to the question.
First Read O Get words in head. O Read top to bottom. O Get a basic sense. O Avoid getting a fixed impression.
Second Read O Phrase by phrase reading O Look for main idea O Don’t worry about symbols O Don’t worry about deeper meaning O Go back and read parts, perhaps several more times-only necessary to answer questions
Panic and Obsession O If after 2 reads and you still don’t have the main idea, DON’T SKIP THE PASSAGE! O Strategy: Move into questions since they will help you understand the poems. Don’t obsess over difficult poems.
No Problem at All O Look at diction used in first 2 lines of poems. O A) Gives a clue to TONE about the subject O Diction (individual words) helps you understand the approach the poet is taking. O Look at the title of the poem.
The Pros Read Poetry for Prose O Ignore the rhythm or music of the language, and ignore the form. O A) Ignore line breaks. O B)Read sentences, not lines. Emphasize punctuation. O C) Ignore rhyme and rhyme scheme. O D)Be prepared for long thoughts.
Easier Poetry O “Nice” poetry is when it is easy to read and each line ends on a natural pause so you can gather your thoughts. O However, challenging poetry is more difficult to comprehend. We will read pages 38 to 41 and practice with the poem “My Last Duchess” by Ferrara
Summary O You are reading in order to answer questions. O Reading for a test is different than normal reading since you have limited time. O You can reread the passage anytime you want. Reading Prose Passages -Preview questions if it helps. -Skim the passage. -Read for the main idea.
Summary Continued O Reading Poetry Prose O - Preview the questions if it helps. O -On the AP test, read the poem twice before answering questions. O -First read, get all the words in your head. Know what is going on and keep an open mind. O -Second Read, phrase by phrase and focus on understanding what you read.
Summary Continued O You need to go back and read parts of the poem-perhaps the entire poem- several times more, but only as necessary. O Poetry in Prose O - Find the spine-the prose meaning-of the poem. (Ignore line breaks, emphasize punctuation, read sentences, and be prepared for long thoughts). O Before you read the poem as poetry, read it as prose.