The Ecosystem Approach and Management of the Marine Environment Critique paper – a science perspective Dr Leonie Robinson School of Biological Sciences.


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Presentation transcript:

The Ecosystem Approach and Management of the Marine Environment Critique paper – a science perspective Dr Leonie Robinson School of Biological Sciences University of Liverpool ESRC/NERC Transdisciplinary Seminar Series – Seminar 1, SWIMMER

The EA and Marine Management The concept paper… Good introduction to concepts and evolution of the Ecosystem Approach What about a more local perspective? North Sea Ministerial Meetings (1990–2002) outlined some of the key principles in terms of SCIENCE (Bergen, 1997 and 2002) Keith Hiscock, MarLIN website)

The EA and Marine Management Important to remember the main science questions associated with these principles… 1.What are the processes driving variability in ecosystem components (including abiotic, biotic and anthropogenic drivers)? 2. What are the major structural and functional roles held by the ecosystem components? 3. What are the linkages between individual ecosystem components? Keith Hiscock, MarLIN website)

The EA and Marine Management The concept paper… Key elements of the Ecosystem Approach As scientists, don’t obsess with the definitions! Concluding remarks – concept paper Focus on key principles Keith Hiscock, MarLIN website)

The EA and Marine Management The concept paper… Comment on the main science issues in relation to key principles and operational objectives 1. Objectives and societal choice Good scientific advice required to aid comprehension in making choices Measuring the “tangible and intangible” benefits in a “fair and equitable way” Weighing up of costs and benefits – requires good understanding and communication!

The EA and Marine Management 2. Spatial dynamics Recognition of the different spatial scales that ecosystem processes operate at is essential (e.g. decentralisation). Requires good understanding of spatial dynamics of BOTH manageable activities and ecosystem components (ecological connectivity still not well understood). Requires good access to, and availability of, spatially resolved data. Transboundary management and policy issues outstanding. Keith Hiscock, MarLIN website)

The EA and Marine Management 3. Temporal dynamics Understanding biological limits and variability requires availability of long-term data. Shift in thinking required not only in policy but in science funding. 4. Structural and functional biodiversity Understanding relationships between structure and function and the limits and behaviour of these underlies much current research effort. Results need to feed into developing and adaptive management and policy scenarios. Keith Hiscock, MarLIN website)

The EA and Marine Management 5. Adaptive management and uncertainty There is still a lot of uncertainty in the detail of the underlying science. Shift in thinking required to prevent this being used as an excuse to make required changes. 6. Transdisciplinary approaches and inclusion Much resistance in the science community to novel approaches (e.g. use of expert judgement). Need to learn from other areas (e.g. ecological risk assessment) and increase transparency. Keith Hiscock, MarLIN website)

The EA and Marine Management 7. Intersectoral cooperation Progress in science field with identifying key pressures of different manageable activities. Best scientific advice cannot help without fair and equitable policy/regulation of sectors (e.g. fishing). 8. Access to data and new planning techniques Problems with data access highlighted in UK Marine Bill white paper and other pilot studies (e.g. REGNS, Irish Sea Pilot). Not all pressures on marine components can be managed spatially – spatial planning issues. Keith Hiscock, MarLIN website)

The EA and Marine Management Summary Key concepts and definitions should not be further debated. Priorities are in facing up to the barriers in implementation. In science, funding and availability of data are critical for future progress. Now, attitudes to novel approaches and uncertainty must be addressed. Good scientific advice must support societal choice for objectives. Keith Hiscock, MarLIN website)