Sight Words Complete Word List Developing Reading Versatility Complete Word List Developing Reading Versatility
heinous The rebels committed one of the most heinous (horrible) acts of the war..
salient The most salient (noticeable) feature on his face is his chin; it's quite prominent.
pompous Characterized by excessive self-esteem or exaggerated dignity; pretentious: pompous officials who enjoy giving orders.
pseudo- aristocratic being apparently rather than actually as stated
vociferous Their vociferous (noise or conspicuously and offensively loud) arguing made me wish I had earplugs.
frugal Carnegie was very frugal (prudently saving or sparing; not wasteful).
morose Although the patient is usually morose (unhappy), she seems happy today..
candidly When asked if she liked her aunt's new hat, she candidly (honestly or sincerely) gave her frank opinion that was ugly.
clemency In order to show clemency (merciful), the judge reduced the fine to one dollar.
enhanced They enhanced (increased) the property by pulling weeds, mowing the lawn, and planting trees around the house.
elite They think of themselves as the elite (best or special) group on campus, looking down their noses at everyone else.
rapport I always felt that the rapport (relation marked by harmony, conformity) between us was good, based on a relationship of thrust.
wrath anger, strong vengeful anger or indignation
obsess was obsessed (become preoccupied with) with the idea or to engage in obsessive thinking
indigent Although his parents were indigent (poor), they somehow managed to provide Tommy with proper food and clothing.
pretentious Showy, the pretentious fraud who assumes a love of culture that is alien to him.
laboriously devoted to labor : industrious
employ A job that employed her skills.
immoral conflicting with generally or traditionally held moral principles
laggard She is usually a laggard (sluggish) ; however, today she was energetic and did her share.
punctilious My dad is punctilious (strict or precise) that he always corrects my sloppy speech and points out my incorrect use of certain words.
phylacteries What are Tefillin, or phylacteries, that Jews wear during morning prayers?
timid lacking in courage or self-confidence
indolent Jerry is so indolent (slow or sluggish)! He sleeps late, never does chores unless yelled at.
malevolence Sherry's ill will or, more accurately, malevolence (cruel) toward her brother become obvious when she tried to push him down the stairs.
jocose Bret's jocose (humorous) manner soon had all of us laughing and joking.
overbearing Very strong and powerful, tending to overwhelm, overpowering, decisively important : dominant
impudent He was so impudent (disrespectful) to his mother that I would have spanked him if he had talked to me that way.
loquacious He is usually loquacious (noisy or chatty), but tonight he's rather silent.
feigned The boxer feigned (pretended) a punch with his left rather than actually jabbing.
omnivorous Hans Zinsser said, "The rat, like men, has become practically omnivorous( consuming everything)-it eats anything that lets it."