Chapter 20 Speeches for Special Occasions
Courtesy Speeches #10B- A special occasion often requires much more formality than your classroom presentations. #1IC- The four typical speeches of courtesy are introduction, presentation, acceptance, and after-dinner speeches. #11B- Speeches of introduction should refer to the occasion, name the speaker, build enthusiasm, share information, explain why the speaker is to give this talk to this audience at this time, and conclude by welcoming the speaker to speak. #2IC- The two functions of introductory speeches serve are to make the audience want to hear the speaker and to make the speaker want to share with the audience. #1T/F- If you are introducing a speaker, you must be careful not to embarrass the person you are introducing.
Courtesy Speeches #12B- Mark Twain understood one factor that contributes to a memorable speech- humor. #13B- Reminders for making a successful introductory speech include checking the pronunciation of all words, including the speaker’s name, verifying the accuracy of all information, and analyzing the audience’s expectations.
Courtesy Speeches Presentation speeches are given when a person gives a gift or award. #3IC- The five guidelines for speeches of presentation are stating the person’s name early (unless suspense is desired), explaining the award’s significance, explaining the selection process, highlighting the winner’s qualities, and handing the person the award. Usually, when you are presenting an award, you are acting on behalf of a group, so make your comments reflect that of the group.
Courtesy Speeches Acceptance speeches are given when you get an award. #14B- The speaker’s remarks in an acceptance speech serve a double purpose: to thank the people who are presenting you the award or gift and to give credit to those people who helped you earn this recognition. #4T/F- Acceptance speeches are generally not given at retirement dinners. After-dinner speeches are usually given after banquets or meals. #2T/F- After-dinner speeches should be humorous. #15B- You should organize the after-dinner speech around a theme. Remember that this speech is given after dinner, so keep this speech around 15 minutes so that people who are full don’t get too sleepy.
Ceremonial Speeches Commencement speeches are given at graduation. #16B- A commencement address should both acknowledge the importance of the ceremony and congratulate the graduates. #3T/F- Most commencement addresses focus on the students’ future. #5T/F- Humor is appropriate in a commencement address.
Ceremonial Speeches Commemorative speeches are inspiring speeches that recall heroic events or people. #17B- Commemorative speeches honoring individuals are the testimonial and the eulogy. The testimonial honors someone who is living. #4IC- Five hints for making your testimonial speech successful are researching the person carefully, choosing your words carefully, using a warm and caring tone, making it memorable with humor, and showing a strong sense of celebration.
Ceremonial Speeches The eulogy honors someone who is dead. #18B- In preparing a eulogy, you should decide whether you want to choose a topical or biographical approach. A biographical approach is the most common. It chronicles the events in the deceased person’s life. A topical approach focuses on the deceased person’s personal qualities or specific achievements.
Contest Speeches Original oratory contests require participants to give a speech that is usually memorized. These speeches are usually under 10 minutes over a persuasive topic. #6T/F- In preparing a successful oratory, rules limit the amount of quoted words used to 150. #7T/F- Speech contests sponsored by clubs and organizations have large cash prizes. #8T/F- Judges in a speech contest almost invariably disagree. Extemporaneous speaking contests usually require a 5 to 7 minute based on a current event topic. #9T/F- Contestants have only 30 minutes to prepare for extemporaneous speaking.
Contest Speeches Dramatic interpretation requires you to act out a serious scene. Humorous interpretation requires you to act out a humorous scene. #19B- Choose an interpretation selection that fits your personality and stretches you as a performer, but is not beyond your grasp. #20B- Three speech contests sponsored by clubs and organizations are the American Legion Oratorical Contest, the VFW’s Voice of Democracy Contest, and the Optimist Club Oratorical Contest.