VDBIO Chateau des Penthes2 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Familiarize yourself with job profile (S LIDE 5- 7) Ask only core and managerial competency questions The interview form is marked for each panel member Panel should last maximum 10 minutes per candidate Important:There are no bad candidates or bad answers. Do not embarrass applicant in public.
VDBIO Chateau des Penthes3 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Pre-interview panel meeting: owner of post describes what is required in the position and what profile is adequate Agree on who asks which questions Call first candidate in
VDBIO Chateau des Penthes4 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Post-interview: general discussion on attributes and strengths of candidates (not weaknesses in public!) Final recommendation based on knowledge, skills, gender and geographical distribution END OF PROCESS
VDBIO Chateau des Penthes5 PROFILE OF THE POST REGIONAL ADVISER – P-4 LOCATION: FRENCH SPEAKING AFRICA SIZE OF OFFICE: 20 STAFF (6P, 3NO, 11GS) DESCRIPTION –Provide advice and assistance to the Representative for African Regional Organizations to ensure the highest standard and evidenced-based responses to HIV and AIDS through advocacy with government, UN Organisations, donors, civil society and private sector. –Facilitate provision of strategic information and promote creation of partnerships
VDBIO Chateau des Penthes6 PROFILE OF THE POST At least 8 years' experience in advisory functions at an international level related to international development, advocacy, external relations public health. Experience with/knowledge of the United Nations system and African regional political institutions and initiatives is an asset Excellent knowledge of French and English
VDBIO Chateau des Penthes8 YOU ARE THE HRM REPRESENTATIVE You have reviewed the applicants and have organized the panel interviews You are responsible for writing the selection report You are responsible for the integrity of the process You have prepared the interview questions You will ask the question indicated in the interview form as HRM You will note the final recommendation of the panel
VDBIO Chateau des Penthes9 YOU ARE THE OWNER OF THE POST You describe what you are looking for You describe the conditions in the duty station (D category, gender situation, situation with the staff, etc) You ask the question marked Dept You evaluate the candidate at the end
VDBIO Chateau des Penthes10 YOU ARE THE STAFF REP You ensure transparency and fairness of the process You mention that there were no internal candidates, therefore no problem with external candidate You ask the question marked Staff Assoc in French (?) You contribute to the evaluation of the candidate
VDBIO Chateau des Penthes11 YOU ARE THE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE MANAGEMENT You are the Chair of the panel You represent the Head of Agency You contribute with strategic insights of the agency in that duty station (invent) You ask the question marked Management You contribute to the evaluation of the candidate
VDBIO Chateau des Penthes12 WRAP UP OF INTERVIEW Discuss the suitability of candidate (gender, geographical balance, etc) Candidate meets all requirements, but needs to improve on French Agree to recommend him/her for post