Schmitt Elementary School Student Expectations for 3 rd, 4 th & 5 th Grade Students
Respect Effort Pride Keys to Success at Schmitt Elementary School
WHAT DOES RESPECT LOOK LIKE AT SCHOOL? Treating others the way you would like to be treated Treating others the way you would like to be treated Taking care of things that belong to the school, things that belong to your friends, and things that belong to you Taking care of things that belong to the school, things that belong to your friends, and things that belong to you Knowing and following the school rules Knowing and following the school rules Applying the “Terrific Ten” Applying the “Terrific Ten”
Ten great ways to use words to make people feel good. Greet people politely:“Hello, my name is__________.” Use the “magic words”:“Please”… “Thank you”… “You’re welcome” Praise another person:“Great job! I can tell you did your best!” Apologize for mistakes:“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to _________.” Offer to help:“Can I help you ____________?” Encourage others:“I know you can do it… keep trying!” Show respect for adults:“Mr. Smith… Mrs. Nguyen… Ms. Garcia” Call people by their name:“Hello, Jimmy…” Point out good things:“It sure is a beautiful day!”; “You’re a great helper!” Ask questions:“Can you explain that to me again?” WHAT ARE THE “TERRIFIC TEN”?
WHAT RESPECT DOES NOT LOOK LIKE AT SCHOOL: Spreading rumors Spreading rumors If you don’t have something nice to say – don’t say it! If you don’t have something nice to say – don’t say it! Bullying/Fighting Bullying/Fighting Zero Tolerance! Zero Tolerance! Using the “Terrible Ten” Using the “Terrible Ten”
WHAT ARE THE “TERRIBLE TEN”? Swearing or using profanity Threatening or teasing Using words to embarrass others Spreading rumors or gossiping Complaining, moaning, or whining Making racial comments Being negative –always pointing out what’s wrong Yelling at another person Making ups stories to be cool Blaming or accusing other people without knowing for certain whether they did something Ten ways people hurt each other with words THAT ARE NOT ALLOWED TO HAPPEN AT SCHMITT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL.
EFFORT! Definition: An attempt to do something with full concentration to the best of your abilities.
EFFORT! Try your best at all times and you’ll get the reach your goals! Try your best at all times and you’ll get the reach your goals! Take responsibility for your learning – its your choice! Take responsibility for your learning – its your choice! If you need help – ask! Teachers and administrators are here to help you succeed! If you need help – ask! Teachers and administrators are here to help you succeed!
WHAT EFFORT LOOKS LIKE AT SCHOOL Be attentive and prepared for learning in class Be attentive and prepared for learning in class Write down all homework assignments Write down all homework assignments Complete assignments and set aside time at home for studying Complete assignments and set aside time at home for studying
WHAT EFFORT DOES NOT LOOK LIKE AT SCHOOL Distracting the others in the classroom Leaving important school supplies at home Not completing homework or studying for tests
PRIDE! Definition: Having a feeling of happiness because you know that you have done your best
PRIDE! Be proud of yourself Be proud of yourself Be proud of your school Be proud of your school Get involved in clubs and activities Get involved in clubs and activities Help keep campus clean Help keep campus clean Support your classmates Support your classmates Do things to make your family proud of you Do things to make your family proud of you
WHAT PRIDE LOOKS LIKE AT SCHOOL Take PRIDE in dressing for success Take PRIDE in doing your best Remember you represent your parents – make them proud!
WHAT PRIDE DOES NOT LOOK LIKE ON CAMPUS Violating dress code Tagging Acting like you’re in a gang Failing
Lion Pride Certificates PRIDE Certificate Rewards: 10 Certificates – Prize Bag 20 Certificates - Pencil & Folder 40 Certificates – Free Lunch from Subway! 75 Certificates – Free Schmitt T-Shirt Schmitt Elementary School Lion Pride Certificate Student Name: _______________ Date: _______________________ Given by:____________________
Consequence for failing to show Respect, Effort, or Pride Conference with Parent and Teacher Conference with Parent and Teacher Conference with Parent, Teacher, and Principal Conference with Parent, Teacher, and Principal Parent Shadow – Mom or Dad follow you around all day Parent Shadow – Mom or Dad follow you around all day Behavior Contract Behavior Contract Non-Participatory Status Non-Participatory Status Lunchtime, Assemblies, Fieldtrips, other fun things Lunchtime, Assemblies, Fieldtrips, other fun things Suspension from school Suspension from school Administrative Transfer to another school Administrative Transfer to another school
Show RESPECT… Give school your best EFFORT… In your positive actions take PRIDE! Let’s make a great year at Schmitt Elementary School!