Bullying Family Life Education & Health Enhancement Source: education.com
What is Bullying? An intentional act- not an accident Happens again and again- repeated Difference in power Not two kids of equal size or social standing Not two kids of equal size or social standing One child has power or an advantage over another and uses that to harm the other child One child has power or an advantage over another and uses that to harm the other child
Intimidation Being made to be afraid or timid
Ways people bully Physical Hitting, kicking, pushing, spitting, property damage, theft Anything they can do with their body or objects around them to harm the other person Verbal Teasing, name calling, threats, taunting, verbal intimidation,
Ways people bully Social gossip, rumor spreading, embarrassment, alienation or exclusion from the group, and/or setting the other up to take the blame.
Ways people bully Cyber or electronic using the Internet, or text messaging to threaten, hurt, single out, embarrass, spread rumors, and/or reveal secrets about others.
Males Tend to be- physically aggressive more likely to accept bullying gotta be tough, boys will be boys more like to bully and be bullied than girls
Females Tend to- Bully through peer groups share hurtful information (true or untrue) about the child they wish to hurt Experience bullying that deals with rumors and messages about sexual activity
Solutions? Name three ways you could get a bully to stop making you or others feel intimidated or from getting hurt.
What type of Personality? Who is a Bully? Passive-don’t resist: whatever happens happens Passive-don’t resist: whatever happens happens Aggressive-hostile, attacks, forceful Aggressive-hostile, attacks, forceful Assertive- confident, takes charge, make sure it’s done right Assertive- confident, takes charge, make sure it’s done right