What is Bullying? Physical Bullying: Hitting, kicking, or pushing someone…or even threatening to do it Stealing, hiding or ruining someone’s things Making someone do things he or she doesn’t want to do Verbal Bullying: Name–calling Teasing Insulting Relationship Bullying: Refusing to talk to someone Spreading lies or rumors about someone Making someone feel left out or rejected
Characteristics of Bullying: Power-Driven Behavior What do all of these things have in common? They are examples of ways one person or a group can make another person feel hurt, afraid or uncomfortable. When these things are done to someone multiple times and usually over a long period of time, that’s bullying. Characteristics of Bullying: Repeated Behavior Intentional Behavior Power-Driven Behavior What is not bullying and should it be reported?
Who’s a Bully? Bullies come in all different sizes and shapes Some are bigger or taller Some get in trouble a lot Some are popular kids There is one thing in common: Something or someone is making them feel insecure, so they are bullying to make themselves feel better Bullies want control
Inside the Mind of a Bully Remember that everyone is different and lives with different experiences. If we looked inside a person’s head, we’d probably find some extra reasons why he/she is acting like a bully: She’s having problems in other parts of her life He may not feel that he is getting enough attention(+/-) She’s watched her parents or older siblings get their way by pushing others around He’s being bullied himself (another kid, sibling…or even parents) She hasn’t been taught about not hurting others He’s watching too much violence in movies, television or video games What about the person who is nice to you when he’s alone, but will join in when his friends start teasing you? You probably know that peer pressure is a powerful thing. People like to do what their friends are doing. They might think they are just having fun and not even realize they are bullying someone.
Bullies:How to Handle It Bullying can make people feel lonely, unhappy and afraid. It can make them feel like something is wrong with them. It even makes some kids not want to go to school. In other words, it’s very important to deal with bullying and not let it ruin your life. So there you are, and someone is bullying you. What do you do “in the moment”? Stay away from situations where bullying can happen Ignore the bully (Don’t even make eye contact.) If you do respond to the bully, do so evenly and firmly. Example:”No” “That’s what you think.” If you can, turn a comment into a joke. Example: The bully says, “Stupid outfit!” You say,”Thanks! I’m glad you noticed.”
Here are some things you should NOT do: Tips Continued Remove yourself from the situation Try talking to the bully-Tell the bully how you feel; ask them to stop If you are being bullied, have tried to handle it yourself, and the problem doesn’t get solved TELL AN ADULT as soon as possible!!! (Tattlling vs. Telling) Even if bullying takes place outside of school, but it affects the school day, it needs to be reported to school personnel. Here are some things you should NOT do: Don’t cry, get angry or show that you are upset. This is what the bully wants! Don’t try to fight a bully who threatens you with physical harm. Don’t give in to the bully’s demands. Don’t plan revenge against the bully or try to take matters into your own hands.
There are many things you can do to make sure that doesn’t happen. Sometimes, a situation with one bully is settled, but then another bully comes along and takes his or her place. There are many things you can do to make sure that doesn’t happen. Bullies are really good at making people think they deserve to be treated badly. That’s absolutely wrong! Keep telling yourself that you are a great person who deserves respect and kindness from others. Learn to be proud of your differences. The sooner you are ok with your differences, other people will be too.
Here are some things you can do if you see someone getting bullied: Innocent Bystanders In a bullying situation, there are usually bystanders, but they aren’t exactly “innocent”. Having an “audience” is very important to a bully. He/she wants people to see what is going on so they have power over the person being bullied. Did you know that if one person watching a bullying situation says “Stop it!”, half of the time the bullying will stop? This can be hard to do!! When you stand by and do nothing, that’s saying that bullying is okay with you. It makes you no better than the bully himself. Here are some things you can do if you see someone getting bullied: Tell the bully to stop. Examples: “Cut it out!” “That’s not funny!”, “How would you like it if someone did that to you?” If you feel like you can’t speak up, walk away from the situation and tell the nearest adult. This is not tattling!
Online Bullying Online bullying, often called online harassment or cyber bullying, is a serious issue, and it’s getting more common. Let’s take a look. What is it? Online bullying can take many forms: Sending threatening, taunting or teasing e-mails to someone. Using a computer or any other technology to spread gossip to make someone’s private information public. Pretending to be another person online so you can post or email things that will embarrass or get that person in trouble. Being a “pretend friend” online so you can later humiliate or hurt someone. “Ganging up” on someone in a chat room or message board. Texting hurtful or rude comments to someone.
Online Bullying Continued Why do people do it? It’s anonymous. They want revenge. They think everybody’s doing it. They get caught up in it. They don’t understand how much it hurts. What can you do? Ignore it. In person can be very hard to walk away from an insult. Actually, online is much easier. Turn off you computer or ignore the calls from that person. Tell an adult. Let your parent, guardian or older sibling know right away. Never share private or personal information with someone you don’t know or trust. Don’t be a victim, but don’t be a bully either. Never post a comment, send an email or text when you are angry.