Tell us once: building better online services Peter Alexander Assistant Secretary Online Services Branch Australian Government Information Management Office Department of Finance and Deregulation 1 AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT INFORMATION MANAGEMENT OFFICE (AGIMO)
Alternate title: Better service delivery is simple: Give people what they want; when they want it; and how they want it. Caveat – not always possible in a compliance situation
BUT importantly... Don't stuff up Don't breach privacy Don't breach security Don't embarrass us Don’t etc, etc, etc.
The internet is the preferred channel for government services
45% of Australians prefer contacting government via internet over other channels Source: Interacting with Government: Australians’ use and satisfaction with e-government services 2009
This preference has consistently grown over time Source: Interacting with Government: Australians’ use and satisfaction with e-government services 2009
The reason: convenience Source: Interacting with Government: Australians’ use and satisfaction with e-government services 2009
Online services: making things easier for the public and improving public sector productivity
Draft ICT Strategic Vision
1. Good experience
2. Better experience
3. Best experience
Innovative approaches will get us there So how does government innovate?
Gov 2.0
Service design: engage with people about what services they need
Service delivery: new channels for support
Service improvement: increased use of online feedback systems
Service innovation: open data and Government-powered services
Public Services innovation in service delivery comes from Our customers, clients, users. Our suppliers, service providers. Academics, researchers, other governments (jurisdictions) Our leaders......
.... and importantly (and often over looked!)... our staff. The APS is full of bright and enthusiastic people with great ideas. We need an environment to enable them to contribute. To me innovation is engaging with risk.
Good news: we are seeing pilots, trials and new approaches Early days – here are some pioneers: Immigration Visa DHS Connected Authentication DHS Mobile Offices Use of Twitter and Facebook – Centrelink and Immigration