Pass out Medication Policy/Training Manual and Quiz
Medication Policy and Administration Training Objectives Wasatch School District Policy Student Health Information - HCP State Law District Forms Medication Administration
Wasatch School District Policy The Principal will: Designate staff to administer medications Insure proper maintenance of records Legal Document/Cumulative file Keep on file trained staff delegated to administer medications
Wasatch School District Policy The Principal will: Notify the School Nurse of medication administration needs Arrange annual training
Checklist-Medication Audit School Nurse Provide annual training Delegate and train UAP Audit 2/year
Audit 2x a year Results will be given to: School staff administering medications School Principal Student Service Director Audit: HCP are in place, with parent, physician, school nurse, staff signatures, medications are locked up, daily administration form is being filled out,
Items not in compliance Audit Items not in compliance Two weeks to rectify problem Notify School Nurse when problem is rectified If parents are not in compliance the school may withdraw authorization (see section 3.3)
Medication Delegation Trained unlicensed personnel can administer: oral, inhalant eye and ear drops Gastrostomy Topical Epinephrine, glucagon, or insulin We can administer topical medications if we have a standing order written by the medical director, such as neosporin, ect. At this time we do not have any standing orders.
Medication Delegation UAP CANNOT Administer: IV Rectal Intramuscular injections subcutaneous injections Excluding: epi-pen glucagon insulin
Student Self Administration Preschool to grade 12 Asthma Diabetes Epi pen
Student Self Administration Parents authorization Student is responsible Healthcare Providers signature Self-Administration Forms Misuse: Disciplinary action District’s Safe School Policy
Student’s Preschool to Grade 4 Cannot self administer medications Cannot carry a days dose of medication Except: inhalers, insulin and supplies, and epi-pens
Grade 5 to Grade 12 Students can carry and self administer a one day dose of a temporary prescription or OTC medication Excluding Narcotic Pain Medication
Narcotic Pain Medications Will not be kept at school Will not be administered by school personnel Will not be allowed at school
Properly Labeled Medication All medication, prescription and OTC medication, requires a pharmacy label on the original container
Properly Labeled Medication Name of student, doctor, and pharmacy Name of medication Dosage Time of day to be given Method of administration (route) Expiration date.
Wasatch School District Forms Letter To Parents/Guardians Student Health Information Letter to parents is on the back of the Student Health Information – HCP form. Needs parent signature in 3 places. Do not accept without signatures. Make note if parent refuses to sign.
Wasatch School District Forms Authorization of School Personnel to Administer Medication Daily Medication Tracking Form
Wasatch School District Forms – State Law Self Administration Forms Medication administration 53A-11-601 Asthma: inhaler 53A-11-602 Epinephrine: epi pen 53A-11-603 and 26-41 HB 101, 2008 State law allows a student to carry Asthma medications: inhalers, Diabetes: insulin and supplies, and allergy: epi-pens medications as long as the appropriate forms are filled out giving authorization. 1) parent and physician need to sign the self administration authorization form. Check Epi pen law??????
Wasatch School District Forms – State Law Self Administration Forms Diabetes: Insulin and supplies 53A-11-604 Glucagon administration 53A-11-603
Wasatch School District Forms Glucagon Authorization Stored in office. Given only if student can’t take oral glucose for extreme low blood sugar.
District Forms Medication Error/Adverse Reaction Reporting Form Medication Administration Training Form Administration of Medication Checklist Medication Disposal Form
Safe Keeping of Medication Stored in a locked cabinet Adequate temperature Fluoride is a prescription drug. It needs to be locked up.
Unused Medication Notify parents Pick up within two weeks Requires two signatures Record on daily tracking form
Unused Medication School nurse will discard expired or unused medication Requires School Nurse and UAP signature Proper disposal – police station
Watch MOVIE (20 Minutes)
Medication Administration Policies Who dispenses What medications can be given How to dispense Emergencies Manage / store medications.
Authorization Form Student information Name of medication Condition for which prescribed Dosage, route and time to administer Side effects Doctor’s phone number and signature.
Additional Information Date of the order and duration Parent / guardian signature and phone number Permission to contact doctor Special directions
Log Sheet One for each student Separate sheet for each medication Who administered Time. Get out Daily Medication Administration Form. Practice receiving medications.
Medication Daily Log Practice receiving medications on Daily Log Sheet. Count pills with Parents. Signatures: parent and staff. Record Daily info….Call parents if the students does not come down to get medication.
Receiving Medications Parent or guardian delivers medications Pharmacy- labeled containers Over-the- counter medications Check the label. Check and write down expiration date on daily log
Medication Preparation Log sheet Gather supplies Wash your hands Five Rights Ask if any side effects.
The Five Rights Right student Right medication Right dosage Right time Right route.
Administering Medications Oral Eye, ear, nose Patch Inhaler EpiPen®. Insulin or Glucagon Call me for specific training
Recordkeeping Record dispensing Sign the log Call parent / guardian if student didn’t show New authorization form if medications change One form per medication
Quiz All medication should be kept in a drawer that anyone can open in case of an emergency. Your authorization form should include information about the dosage required, how to administer it and when it should be given. OTC medication should arrive at the school in the original container and the amount of medication counted and recorded by the responsible person. 1. False 2. True 3. True
Quiz The “Five Rights” for administering medications are: is this the right student, right medication, right dosage, right time and right route. You should never embarrass a student by asking the child to open his or her mouth to prove the medicine has been swallowed. Oral Medications should never be followed by water. 4. True 5. False 6. False
Quiz If the child requires drops in both ears, wait a minute or two before doing the other ear and then put a cotton ball in the outer portion of the first ear before turning the head. Symptoms of anaphylaxis include wheezing or shortness of breath, swelling of the lips, tongue or area around the eyes, and hives or general itching and tingling. 7. True 8. True
Quiz After using the EpiPen, check the black tip to see if the needle is showing, which means the medication was injected correctly. Glucagon can cause a child to vomit so place the student on his or her side immediately afterwards to avoid choking. 9. True, 10. True
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