Chapter 16.2 Anxiety Disorders
I.Anxiety is a general state of dread or uneasiness that a person feels in response to a real or imagined danger A. Those with anxiety disorder suffer from anxiety that is out of proportion to the situation provoking it
B. Characteristics of Anxiety Disorder 1.Interfere with everyday life 2.Most common mental illness 3.Feelings of inadequacy 4.Unrealistic images of themselves 5.Avoidance of problems 6.Constant worrying 7.Sudden mood swings
Characteristics of Anxiety Disorder (Cont.) 8.Variety of physical symptoms a. Headaches b. Sweating c. Muscle tightness d. Weakness e. Fatigue 9.Difficulty forming stable and satisfying relationships 10.Refusal to give up self defeating behavior
C. Anxiety Disorders Classified by DSM - IV 1.General Anxiety Disorder a. Anxiety 1.) Generalized apprehension 2.) Vague feeling of danger 3.) Could turn into panic attacks a. Choking sensations b. Chest pain c. Dizziness d. Trembling e. Hot flashes 4.) Fear is a reaction to identifiable real threats a. Anxiety is a reaction to vague or imagined danger
Anxiety Disorders Classified by DSM – IV (Cont.) b.Unable to enjoy life c.Preoccupied with their anxiety d.Neglect social relationships e.Difficulty dealing with family and friends f.Unable to fulfill responsibilities g.Inability to relax h.Strained face i.Poor appetite j.Indigestion k.Diarrhea l.Frequent urination m.Difficulty sleeping n.Some psychologists feel that is hereditary, triggered by an environmental event or trauma
2. Phobic Disorder a.When a severe anxiety is focused on a particular object, animal, activity or situation that seems out or proportion to the real danger involved b.Specific Phobias 1. can focus on almost anything 2. acrophobia – high places 3. claustrophobia – enclosed places 4. arachibutyrophobia – fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth
C. Social Phobias 1.Fear they will embarrass themselves in a public place or social setting a. Eating in public b. Using public restrooms c. Meeting strangers d. Going on a first date 2.Agoraphobia a. Fear of being in public places b. Often will not leave their houses
d. Treatment 1.) experiencing the feared object under controlled and safe circumstances Exposure Therapy
3. Panic Disorder a.Feeling of sudden, helpless terror, such as overwhelming fright one might experience when cornered by a predator b.Sudden unexpected attacks of intense anxiety c.Sense of inevitable doom or death d.Smothering e.Choking f.Dizziness g.Fainting h.Nausea i.Chest pain j.Usually lasts a few minutes k.May last an hour or more l.May have the first shortly after a stressful event m.May be result of interpreting physiological arousal 1.) Increased heart rate
4. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder a.Obsession 1.) uncontrolled pattern of thoughts b.Compulsions 1.) Repeatedly performing coping behaviors c.May feel compelled to wash hands 20 to 30 times a day d.Avoid cracks in sidewalk e.May be unable to rid themselves of thoughts of death f.May make obscene remarks in public g.All people have obsessions and compulsions h.Problem only when such thoughts and activities interfere with the person’s wants or needs i.Runs in families
5. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder a. Condition in which a person who has experienced a traumatic event feels severe and long lasting after effects b.Military veterans c.Survivors of terrorism d.Survivors of natural disaster e.Rape or assault victims f.Event overwhelms the person’s sense of reality and ability to cope g.Involuntary flashbacks h.Recurring nightmares i.Insomnia j.Guilt k.Can last decades