Sexual Education CODE OF CONDUCT
NO PERSONAL QUESTIONS Please do not embarrass yourself. If you have a personal question, wait after class and I’d be happy to help you find the right answer.
RESPECT ONE ANOTHER There will be no gossip or put downs Remember you are graded on your conduct!
ALL QUESTIONS ARE IMPORTANT There is no such thing as a stupid question Think before you ask it Should I wait until after class? Am I using school appropriate language?
SOME TOPICS ARE OFF LIMITS Sorry but this is public school we can’t talk about EVERYTHING Remember to use adults you trust as a resource for those topics we cannot cover
NO PERSONAL STORIES OR NAMES Please word responses, questions, etc. with “I know someone who…”
LEARN & USE APPROPRIATE TERMINOLOGY Use proper vocabulary when talking in class Example: penis, vagina, intercourse
RESPECT A VARIETY OF VIEWPOINTS There will be people in your class or school with different opinions or experiences Be respectful and listen, you never know when you might learn something new!
EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO PASS If there is a situation that could potentially embarrass you and you feel uncomfortable, you may choose to pass Not all situations fall under this category so please participate as much as you can so you can earn a good grade