The Use of Questioning Chapter 6 EDU
The Use of Questioning Last week we continued to learn how to design a lesson plan and compared the lesson plan format in the text to the ETP and content-specific formats. This week (divided by our spring break) I intentionally scheduled a short chapter. Chapter 6 teaches you strategies for creating good questions. Effective questioning is essential for learning and classroom management.
Purposes for Using Questioning 1. To give instructions 2. To review and remind students of classroom procedures 3. To gather information 4. To discover student knowledge, interests, and experiences. 5. To guide student learning (see page 213) NEVER ASK A QUESTION TO EMBARRASS OR PUNISH A STUDENT.
Types of Cognitive Questions Analytic Clarifying Convergent-Thinking Cueing Divergent-Thinking Evaluative Focus Probing Which ones of these would specialists use most often? Why?
Blooms Taxonomy of Questioning (1956) You probably learned this in your Human Growth and Development or Educational Psychology courses. These levels start very basic and concrete and progress to more abstract levels that require more critical thinking. Knowledge–“What are the fundamentals of art, music, or P.E…?” Comprehension-”In your own words, define (one of the fundamentals)…” Application-”Give me an example of (one of the fundamentals)…” Analysis-”Compare and contrast (two of the fundamentals)” Synthesis-”What fundamental is missing?” Evaluation-”Which fundamental is most important and why?
How are these two theories below different from each other? A more recent approach by Anderson and Krathwohl (2001) indicates that they believe evaluation is an easier task than creating something new or finding out what’s missing or should be there (“What would be a missing fundamental that isn’t in our text?”). The last two levels are reversed from Blooms. Blooms Taxonomy (1956) Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation Anderson & Krathwohl (2001) Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create
Implementing Questioning Ask your well-worded question before calling on a student for a response. Avoid bombarding student with too much teacher talk. After asking a student a question, give him/her time to think. Practice gender equity Practice calling on all students Give the same minimum amount of wait time to all students (I disagree: you may need to give slower processors and English Language Learners more time) Require students to raise their hands & be called upon Actively involve as many students as possible Carefully gauge your responses to students’ answers Be cognizant of cultural characteristics and student differences Use strong praise sparingly
Read Chapter 6 Personal Learning Strategy: Read the Questions for Class Discussion BEFORE reading the chapter Exercise 6.1 is a good one to see if you understand the three cognitive levels of questions from our text. How would those questions fall in the six levels (Anderson & Krathwohl) that were presented in this PP? Participate in Threaded Discussion E (Feb. 29-Mar. 12); do not need to participate during spring break. Are you working on your SMART board project? Next week would be a great time as there are no classes in either of the rooms (Cisel 012 and Lib. 1 st floor classroom) Last mini-class: Tuesday, March 13 th (COE): 12:10-12:40 Music, 12:40-1:10 Art, 1:10-1:40 P.E. Weekly Checklist Feb. 29-Mar. 13 (spring break Mar. 5-9)