Discussion Tell me some of the ways that you communicate through electronics Have any of you sent or received a text message that was misunderstood? Do you have any examples?
If a teacher, principal, or parent picked up your cell phone and read your text messages, would you be okay with what you have sent and received on your phone? Do they have the right to read your text messages and/or check your Facebook/Myspace?
Do you say things through your text messages that you don’t or wouldn’t say in person? Is that okay?
Word and phrase meanings can be misunderstood without hearing or seeing the person with whom you are communicating Examples of ambiguous language: Person A- “Do you want to hang out with me?” Person B- “Yeah, sure, of course I want to hang out with you.” This could be said in a serious OR a sarcastic tone. By not hearing the tone of the speaker or seeing his or her facial expressions, the person reading this statement could take it differently than how it was meant. More examples?
Something to remember… Just because you delete a message or picture DOES NOT mean it cannot be accessed by someone else! RCW According to Washington state law it is a misdemeanor to harass, intimidate, torment, or embarrass someone through electronic communications.
What is a misdemeanor? A specific offense (such as harassment) for which a person may be sentenced to more than 15 days but not more than 1 year in jail
Sexting definition: Sending, receiving, or distributing nude or semi-nude pictures via cell phones. From the FBI website: “If you forward a sexual picture of someone underage, you are as responsible for this image as the original sender. You could face child pornography charges, go to jail, and have to register as a sex offender” enforcement-bulletin/july-2010/sexting enforcement-bulletin/july-2010/sexting Sexting is cyberbullying when the pictures are sent without the victims knowledge
Not thinking of consequences when communicating electronically can lead to: Embarrassment Broken friendships/relationships Confusion Hurt feelings Bullying situations Tragedy There have been several suicides that have been linked to cyberbullying incidents
Tips and Wrap up Think of the consequences before you type or press send Be aware of what you are texting and posting Don’t use other’s cell phones Deleting doesn’t make electronically sent messages or information go away Realize the lasting effects of inappropriate uses of technology Protect your electronic devices/passwords Be respectful of others Let someone know if you feel as though you are being treated badly through electronic means or otherwise