Smart Choices for our 21st Century Cyber Surfers
Technology has encouraged a lot of changes!
Worries Past Present Someone would hear my conversation on the party line. Something I have posted or texted will be forwarded. Sister/brother would find the key to my diary. Someone would be talking about me in school. Someone will post something about me and hurt me. Boyfriend/Girlfriend would break up with me. Someone will get mad and really hurt me online.
When used effectively…………………… the 21st century has opened up a whole new world of education, collaboration, empathy, inspiration, and creativity.
Some Important Things To Remember: Along with all the positive opportunities the internet provides……… There are also challenges and risks……. Cyberbullying Your Online Activity Predators Revealing Too Much Or Inappropriate Info.
Predators Everyone knows about predators on the internet – but it “will never happen to me”! Facts: 54% have instant messaged a stranger 50% have emailed someone they don’t know. 45% have been in chat rooms with strangers. 27% of teens know someone who has met someone online 47% of teens have received a sexually explicit or pornographic email or attachment.
SNL Clip
Predators: Talk about inappropriate things. Send you materials that make you feel uncomfortable. Ask you personal information. Want to meet you in person.
Warning Signs: If you encounter any of these..... If someone tries to: Isolate you from your family and friends. Turn you against your parents or guardians. Make you keep things secret. Send inappropriate materials or talk about inappropriate things. Threatens you. If you encounter any of these..... Tell a trusted adult immediately!
Revealing Too Much! Words and photos posted online – once posted they can be accessed by the whole world – and cannot be taken back. Any image or video or blog entry can be saved and edited or altered by anyone. Private pages, conversations can be saved and then shared --- no entry is private!
You Can’t Take it Back!
What information should I be careful about posting? Name, age, birthday, phone number, school, schedule, location. Photos or videos that reveal information that can identify where you are from. Inappropriate photos.
Why should I be careful? The world can access your online life! Colleges/Employers check online information on applicants. If you are planning on a future in the public spotlight --- be careful what you post. Profiles, wikis, blogs are being viewed by predators.
Cyberbullying What constitutes cyberbullying? Spreading rumors or gossip. Posting pictures without consent. Obtaining a password to assume a person’s identity. Harassing or threatening someone. Using inappropriate language.
Cyberbullying leads to: Broken friendships. Hurting others. Can incur school consequences. Can be Prosecuted in the Court of Law Harassment Charges Sexually explicit photos – you can be charged with child pornography and have to be registered as sex offender.
If you are being bullied? Do not respond. Save the evidence with print screens, saving documents, saving chat messages and emails. Tell a trusted adult. Report it to the police, school official, internet service provider. If you are in immediate danger – contact police immediately.
Emotional Impact Cyberbullying Has: Angry Depressed Embarrassed Scared for their safety Scared for their life They may seek revenge on the bully. They could start avoiding others, including friends, family, school and other activities. Sometimes victims become bullies themselves in order to feel more powerful and less hurt.
And in the most severe cases…. Remember Your Actions Can Cause “Reactions”! Let’s make those reactions positive!
Your Online Activity Instant Messaging File Sharing Social Networking Webcams Video Blogging Online Gaming Cell Phones Email Chat Rooms
Instant Messaging/Emails Communicate with people you know. Keep your personal information private. Don’t respond to offensive messages. Choose appropriate screen names. Do not agree to meet someone. Never share your passwords. Do not open emails/attachments from someone you do not know. Never follow a link in an email. Open up your browser and go to the address or company who sent the email.
File Sharing Kaaza, Limewire, Bearshare It is illegal to share copyrighted materials without permission. File sharing slows down your computer. Downloading from unknown sources puts you at risk for: viruses, spam, spyware and downloading unintended material by mistake.
Social Networking Make sure videos and images don’t reveal anything about where you live, go to school, etc. Post appropriate pictures Phone Numbers, location, names, … keep private. Do not fall into the misguided trust of a predator --- they can be anyone you want them to be temporarily!
Webcams and Videos Videos can be saved, altered and used to hurt you. Don’t let your surroundings reveal where you live, work, go to school, etc. Webcams can be easily left turned on and may incriminate or embarrass you.
Online Gaming Do not reveal your age, gender, or any identifying characteristics. Don’t get angry! You could post something in the chat and be charged with a cyberbullying crime. Get out of a game if you are feeling pressured or uncomfortable.
Cell Phones Never post your phone number online. Don’t respond to harassing text messages. Never take or send provocative photos or videos of yourself – remember these can be then altered and shared with others. Remember: most people around you have cell phones with cameras/camcorders. Sexting or sending revealing or pornographic texts is illegal. You may be charged with possession of child pornography or distribution of child pornography and have to be classified as a sex offender.
Netiquette Remember the golden rule! Treat others like you would like to be treated. Think before you write and twice before you click send. Proofread what you type. Be precise, short and clear. Avoid acronyms like ttyl especially if the person might not be aware of what it means. Remember you might be dealing with someone from another culture and they could take offense to something you say or post. Do not use offensive words or terminology. Be nice! Close out or don’t respond to someone who is not being nice. Make sure humor isn’t coming across as sarcasm. Use emoticons. It is hard to tell in an email or instant message what the non-verbals are – Use emoticons to transfer your feelings. Respect other’s privacy. Don’t capitalize every word – or use a lot of exclamation points!!!!!!! Ask clear questions. Be patient, kind and polite.
Surf Safely!
This presentation made by Tina Groff Mannsville Manor Elementary School 423 N. Main St. Mannsville, NY 13661 Principal: Ron Perry, 315-465-4281