What is Cyber bullying? When one person or a group of people want to threaten, tease, or embarrass someone else by using mobile phones, internet, or technologies
Are you being a part of Cyber Bullying? If you are hurting someone else by using technology, you are Cyber bullying Cyber bullying is usually done in a group If you do not stop cyber bullying when you see someone else do it, you ARE being a part of it
Examples of Cyber Bullying Threats using accounts Nasty and mean text messages Using websites to make fun of someone else- ex. Facebook and MySpace (Reminder: You have to be 13 years old to have either Facebook and/or MySpace. You must wait until Grade 7 Kids!)
Cyber bullying hurts Victims of Cyber bullying can become lonely, depressed and sometimes might want to hurt themselves If you or someone you know is a victim of Cyber bullying, come talk to an adult!
Why do some people think Cyber bullying is O.K.? Some people think they wont get caught Cyber bullying makes some people feel superior Some people bully because they are angry, jealous, seek revenge
Do you think those are good enough reasons to become a Cyber bully?
How You can be a Responsible “Cyber Citizen” Respect other people! Always think before you send Tell an adult if someone is being a Cyber bully Remember to “Take 5” (take 5 seconds to calm down) if you ever feel you need to retaliate and bully someone Do not be silent! Silence is NOT acceptable!
Get in a group of Four ! Put your thinking caps on, class! Take a piece of paper and pencil and write down an instance when you have either been a victim of cyber bullying or seen someone else be bullied on the web, phone or other technologies-You Get 10 Minutes! Now, share with your group
Sharing Circle Class, you have 2 minutes to sit in a circle in the room Lets Share! Who has ever experienced someone else be Cyber bullied? Why do you think Cyber bullying is wrong?
Personal Reflection In your Health journal, write down your answers to the following questions: 1. What is the most hurtful cyber bullying you have seen or heard? 2.Why would anyone create a web page making fun of another person? If you found out there was a rumor about you on a webpage, what would you do? (Think about what we have just learned).
References Government of United Kingdom- Stop Cyber Bullying: A National Initiative Digizen Official Website-