IntroPrenatal InfancyParenting Mixed Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final JeopardyJeopardy IntroPrenatalInfancyParentingMixed
$100 - Introduction The study of how people grow and change over the lifespan
$100 Answer from Introduction What is developmental psychology?
$200 - Introduction The debate of the role of heredity and the role of the environment on development
$200 Answer from Introduction What is the nature – nurture debate?
$300 - Introduction The period of prenatal development that begins at 8 weeks and continues through birth
$300 Answer from Introduction What is the fetal period?
$400 - Introduction DOUBLE JEOPARDY Basic, innate disposition Three types identified: easy, slow-to-warm-up, and difficult
$400 Answer from Introduction What is temperament?
$500 Question from Introduction Environmental agents such as drugs or chemicals that can have a profound effect during prenatal development and produce a birth defect
$500 Answer from Introduction What are teratogens?
$100 – Prenatal Development The new cell formed by the union of an egg and sperm
$100 Answer from Prenatal Development What is the zygote?
$200 – Prenatal Development Consequences of consumption of moderate to large amounts of alcohol during prenatal development
$200 Answer from Prenatal Development What is fetal alcohol syndrome? FAS
$300 – Prenatal Development Formation of the heart, brain, and intestinal tract occurs during this period of prenatal development
$300- Prenatal Development What is the embryonic period?
$400 – Prenatal Development Extra chromosome that results in an intellectual disorder (mental retardation) and other physical characteristics
$400 Answer from Prenatal Development What is Down Syndrome?
$500 – Prenatal Development Period of prenatal development that lasts from week 2 through week 8
$500 Answer from Prenatal Development What is the embryonic period?
$100 - Infancy DOUBLE JEOPARDY A sudden loud noise may cause the newborn to fling out their arms, fan their fingers, and arch their back
$100 Answer from Infancy What is the startle reflex?
$200 - Infancy Positive emotional bond between a child and particular individual
$200 Answer from Infancy What is attachment?
$300 - Infancy This type of attachment is displayed when the child displays distress when the mother leaves and goes to her when she returns
$300 Answer from Infancy What is secure attachment?
$400 - Infancy The outcome of this classic study with infant monkeys concluded the importance of contact comfort
$400 Answer from Infancy What is psychologist Harry Harlow’s classic study/experiment ?
$500 - Infancy This reflex (unlearned, involuntary response) is tested by stroking a newborn’s foot.
$500 Answer from Infancy What is the Babinkski?
$100 - Parenting This type of parent expects their children to obey orders without question. Because I said so!
$100 - Parenting What is the authoritarian parenting style?
$200 Question - Parenting DOUBLE JEOPARDY This type of parent sets clear limits for their children, uses reasoning, and encourages them to achieve goals.
$200 - Parenting What is authoritative parenting?
$300 - Parenting Developmental psychologist that studied parenting styles
$300 Answer - Parenting Who is Diane Baumrind?
$400 - Parenting Although they may still be nurturing, this parent is very relaxed and inconsistent with discipline
$400 Answer - Parenting What is overly permissive parenting?
$500 - Parenting The outcome is a self-confident, self-reliant child who has good social skills
$500 Answer - Parenting What is authoritative parenting?
$100 - Mixed According to Piaget, children early in the sensorimotor stage have not mastered this concept because they do not realize that people continue to exist even though they can’t be seen.
$100 Answer from Mixed What is object permanence?
$200 Question from Mixed According to Piaget, the ability to use language and symbols first appear during this stage
$200 Answer from Mixed What is the preoperational stage?
$300 - Mixed According to Lawrence Kohlberg, a person who behaves with the desire to please other members of society would be at this level of moral reasoning.
$300 Answer from Mixed What is the conventional level of moral development?
$400 - Mixed This theory states that successful aging is related to the extent to which older adults maintain their interests and level of social interaction.
$400 Answer from Mixed What is the activity theory?
$500 - Mixed DOUBLE JEOPARDY According to Dr. Kubler-Ross, people that are facing death experience these stages.
$500 Answer from Mixed Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance
Final Jeopardy According to Erik Erikson, Roger is a teenager that is trying to discern what makes him different from everyone else. He is analyzing his own strengths and weaknesses during this stage (crisis).
Final Jeopardy Answer What is identity versus Identity-role-confusion?