3 rd International Summer School “Supramolecular Systems in Chemistry and Biology” Lviv, 6-10 September 2010
A R C U S Chemistry, biology, nanotechnology; Chemistry, biology, nanotechnology; Chemistry, biology, nanotechnology; Chemistry 3 rd International Summer School “Supramolecular Systems in Chemistry and Biology” Lviv, 6-10 September 2010
Coordinators: Alexandre Varnek (France), Igor Antipin (Russia), Vitaly Kalchenko (Ukraine), Burkhard Koenig (Germany) SupraChem Supramolecular Systems in Chemistry and Biology European Research Association
A R C U S Action en Région de Coopération Universitaire et Scientifique Alsace - Russia / Ukraine Coordinators: Alexandre Varnek, Mir Wais Hossseini and Alain Krol
supramolecular chemistry biotechnology nanotechnology ARCUS SupraChem Coordinators: Alexandre Varnek, Mir Wais Hossseini, Alain Krol
ARCUSSupraChem 9 teams 21 teams 22 teams 1 team France Germany Russia Ukraine
“Supramolecular” collaborations East-West six Symposia : Novosibirsk (2001), Kazan (2003), Moscow (2005, 2007), Kiev (2009), Novosibirsk (2010) three Summer Schools: Tuapse (2006, 2008), Lviv (2010) ARCUS fellowships (1-3 months in Strasbourg) co-direction of PhD students, Post-docs, joint publications, visits
Scientific Program: 23 lectures 9 oral presentations of young scientists 139 poster presentations young scientists competition Cultural program 3 rd International Summer School “Supramolecular Systems in Chemistry and Biology” Lviv, 6-10 September 2010
3 rd International Summer School “Supramolecular Systems in Chemistry and Biology” Lviv, 6-10 September participants from 7 countries
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