Major Developmental Stages: Birth through Adulthood
Major Developmental Stages Infancy (Birth to 1 year)Early Childhood: Toddler (1 to 3 years) Early Childhood: Preschooler (3 to 5 years) School Child (6 to about 10 years) Preadolescent (10 to about 12 years) Adolescent (about 12 to 19 years) Adulthood (early, middle, and late) Click on stages to reveal information.
Infancy Infancy is the most dramatic and rapid period of development and growth. In the first year, a human transforms from a completely dependent being into a person who is capable of forming close relationships with other people. This stage is characterized by: rapid growth eruption of teeth (Click on the buttons and pull the arrow to reveal information.) Infants learn about themselves and explore their environment, primarily from when they begin to crawl. Click on the image to learn more details about this developmental stage.
Childhood Childhood begins with the end of infancy and ends with the beginning of puberty. During this period, exposure to caring and loving people is crucial to the development of a sense of acceptance, self-worth, and self-esteem. This stage is characterized by: steady physical growth bowel and bladder control refinement of communication skills
Childhood The toddler stage is a part of early childhood and lasts from ages 1 through 3 years. During this part of childhood, toddlers: 1. differentiate themselves from others 2. tolerate separating from primary caregiver 3. withstand delayed gratification 4. begin to control bodily function 5. acquire verbal communication Slide the image down to reveal information.
Childhood The preschooler stage is a part of early childhood and lasts from ages 3 through 5 years. During this part of childhood, preschoolers: 1. develop a conscience 2. develop a sense of initiative 3. improve in use of language for social purposes 4. develop readiness for school Slide the image down to reveal information.
Childhood The school child stage is a part of childhood that lasts from age 6 to about 10 years. During this part of childhood, school age children: 1. master skills needed later as an adult 2. win approval from adults and peers 3. build self-esteem and self-concept 4. take a place in a peer group 5. adopt social standards Slide the image down to reveal information.
Childhood The preadolescence stage is a part of childhood that lasts from age 10 to about 12 years. During this part of childhood, preadolescent children experience rapid growth. The age levels begin to blend and overlap. While a child may be at one level physically, he / she could be at a different level intellectually, and still a different level socially. Around 9 to 10 years, children establish a relationship with a best friend. Slide the image down to reveal information.
Adolescence Adolescence is the period between childhood and adulthood. It occurs between the ages of 12 and 19 and starts with the onset of puberty. This stage is characterized by: a growth spurt (around years in females and years in males) appearance of secondary sex characteristics desire for more independence from parents increased influence of peer group
Adulthood Adulthood is the period that begins after adolescence and extends through old age. The psychological changes in adulthood are much more pronounced than the physical changes. Early Adulthood is characterized by: ·independence ·self-responsibility ·seeking of intimate relationship Middle Adulthood is characterized by: ·adjusting goals ·seeking standards Late Adulthood is situational. It is characterized by: ·stability ·reminiscence or possibly ·depression over loss of control
Major Developmental Stages Early Childhood: Toddler School ChildInfancy Preadolescent Early Childhood: Preschooler Adulthood Adolescent Put the stages in order, youngest to oldest.