The Early Life of Jesus
Gospel stories of Jesus’ early life Infancy Narratives – Matthew – Luke – Written to show who Jesus was By presenting his coming using beautiful and miraculous events
The Annunciation – Jesus’ conception to Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit Celebrated March 25
The Visitation – The recognition of his presence by Elizabeth and John – Celebrated: May 31
The Nativity – Jesus’ birth – Celebrated: Dec.25
The Presentation – Offering Jesus to God in the Temple Celebrated: Feb 2 40 days after his birth Also known as Candlemas Story of Simeon Luke 2:29-32
Inerrancy Scripture is the word of God expressed in human words Infancy narratives – different – Three kings real or not does not matter – What matters is that Jesus came to save us.
Mary, a Listener Mary said, “yes” Mother of God God’s Handmaiden
Privileges given to Mary. Catholic Doctrine – The Immaculate Conception Mary was born w/o original sin She was never with sin – The Virgin Birth Mary conceived Jesus through the Holy Spirit – The Assumption Mary went to heaven body and soul
Rosemary Koenig Raised 4 children Heard God calling her to serve others At 65 with very little money, she opened a shelter for 8 people with disabilities Shelter of God’s Love – Chicago She listened to God and acted God worked through her. She died at 92.
Appearances of Mary Our Lady of Guadalupe – She appeared to Juan Diego in Mexico – She asked him for a church to be built in honor of her. – Juan went to the bishop and asked him – Bishop wanted a sign – Mary filled Juan’s cloak with roses. – When Juan opened his cloak the beautiful image of Our Lady of Guadalupe was left on his cloak.
Our Lady of Lourdes Mary appeared to Bernadette Soubirous in France Mary told Bernadette that she was the Immaculate Conception Mary instructed Bernadette to dig for a spring at the grotto. Bernadette found a healing spring
Our Lady of Lourdes