Jamie Teague
Sarah Makes PB&J A) Guide & supervise B) Yell & send to time-out C) Ignore & watch television
Thesis The relationship between parent & child = extremely important. Physically Behaviorally Emotionally
Physically During Infancy
Physically Nonorganic Failure to Thrive
Physically Wasted... withdrawn... apathetic” (Berk)
During Infancy
Physically With stimulation “47% greater weight gain” (Tiffany) “A hospital stay six days shorter” (Tiffany)
Physically During childhood
Physically “Emotional deprivation... psychosocial dwarfism” (Berk)
Physically Characteristics: shortened height immature skeletal age adjustment problems
Behaviorally “Warmth & Affection” encourages cooperation (Baumrind)
Listening = socialization Encourages healthy interaction (Lin)
Emotionally “Attachment Security” = child/caregiver bond
Emotionally Secure vs. disorganized attachment
Emotionally Mistreatment low-self esteem depression
Emotionally Assisting / guiding says “you’re worth it”
Emotionally Involvement in school = nurturing!
Average number of school practices done “very well”
In Conclusion Relationships impact children physically behaviorally emotionally
“A child doesn’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”