GENI: Global Environment for Networking Innovations Guru Parulkar CISE/NSF To Reinvent the Internet
Internet Has Been A Transformative Infrastructure Top 20 Engineering Innovations of 20th Century A Century of Innovations (National Academy of Engineering)
3 State of Internet “… in the thirty-odd years since its invention, new uses and abuses, …, are pushing the Internet into realms that its original design neither anticipated nor easily accommodates.” “Freezing forevermore the current architecture would be bad enough, but in fact the situation is deteriorating. These architectural barnacles—unsightly outcroppings that have affixed themselves to an unmoving architecture— may serve a valuable short-term purpose, but significantly impair the long-term flexibility, reliability, security, and manageability of the Internet. ” Overcoming Barriers to Disruptive Innovation in Networking, NSF Workshp Report, 05.
4 GENI Initiative: Goals Invent innovative internet architecture(s) and distributed system capabilities -- go beyond Internet Enable seamless conception-to-deployment process –Facility for experimentation at scale with apps and users Work with broader community –Academic and industry communities –Other US and international agencies
5 Outline GENI research rationale GENI facility rationale and design Opportunities for participation Example architecture themes and systems
6 The Internet Hourglass IP KazaaVoIPMailNewsVideoAudioIMU Tube Applications TCPSCTPUDPICMP Transport protocols Ethernet SatelliteOpticalPower linesBluetoothATM Link technologies Everything on IP IP on everything Modified John Doyle Slide
7 Internet and WEB Hourglass IP KazaaVoIPMailNewsVideoAudioIMU Tube Applications TCPSIPUDPRTP Transport protocols Ethernet SatelliteOpticalPower linesBluetoothATM IP on everything HTTP Everything on WEB Continued Innovations Modified John Doyle Slide Ossification
8 Internet Architecture Concerns Security and robustness Control and management Addressing, naming & (inter-domain) routing End-to-end principle vs in-network processing Mobility of hosts and networks Economic viability of different stakeholders
9 Mobile Wireless Trends 2B+ cell phones 400M+ cell phones with Internet capability -- rising rapidly New data devices (blackberry, PDA, iPod) and services 240M vehicles on the road -- to get network connectivity Mobile wireless to dominate future computing and communication Current Internet not designed for mobile wireless
10 Embedded Physical World New Machines New Environments New Applications New Scale Billion to trillion devices!
11 Networking the Physical World Internet Internet architecture not designed to network the physical world
12 Photonics Integration Trends Source: Vinod Khosla Almost Free OEO!! 1.6 Tbps on a chip: 40 x 40 Input Signal Blanking EAM 10ps Delay using deep-etched waveguide SGDBR Tunable Laser Flared Input Pre- amp SOAs Dual SGDBR Signal Booster SOAs 1mm MZI SOAs Label Rewrite EAM Packet Switching Buffering in Optical Domain Source: Dan Blumenthal High capacity “dynamic” optical networks a certainty Current Internet architecture not designed to take advantage of it
13 Distributed System Capabilities Information dissemination –Standard and streaming media; stored and real time Management and sharing of personal information –Balance of privacy and accountability Networked embedded systems –Networked robotics, power grid, and smart spaces Location aware services: human and object Identity management: human and object And many more …
14 Digital Living 2010 Tomorrow’s users will be surrounded by pervasive devices, embedded sensors and systems… all connected to the Internet. User Home Computer PDA Telephone Entertainment Systems Car Surveillance and Security (at home, work, or in public) Building Automation Banking and Commerce Photography Home Appliances Games Inventory/Sales tracking Health/Medical Communications User Thanks to David Kotz at Dartmouth
15 Network Centric Critical Infrastructures Transportation Telecommunications Banking & Finance Essential Utilities Internet Architecture is NOT robust enough to support these
16 Future Internet? New Paradigms? Network and Protocol Architectures? Distributed Systems and Services? Internet Arch Limitations Erosion Enabling Technologies Network Capabilities Need a clean-slate approach Applications & User Requirements
17 GENI: Research Programs Broad but goal oriented programs: New internet architectures and distributed system capabilities NeTSFIND: Future Internet Design CyberTrustClean-slate secured network arch CSRNew distributed system capabilities CCFSING CRINetwork infrastructure for arch research MRINetwork instruments for arch research IIS Program??
18 Fundamental Change in Mindset Needed Don’t ask how a new technology/application fits within the existing Internet architecture Think how a new technology/network/application can shape the Future Internet in realizing its potential?
19 Outline GENI research rationale GENI facility rationale and design Opportunities for participation Example architecture themes and systems
20 Conception-to-Deployment Case for GENI Facility Time Maturity Foundations Research Research Prototypes Small Scale Testbeds Funded by CISE Programs Shared Deployed Infrastructure Need for Large experimental facility/infrastructure This chasm represents a major barrier to impact real world
21 Facility Goals Enable exploration of new network architectures, mechanisms, and distributed system capabilities A shared facility that allows Concurrent exploration of a broad range of experimental networks and distributed services Interconnection among experimental networks & the commodity Internet Users and applications able to “opt-in” Observation, measurement, and recording of outcomes Help develop stronger scientific base
22 Facility Design: Key Concepts Slicing, Virtualization, Programmability Mobile Wireless Network Edge Site Sensor Network Federated Facilities
23 Facility Architecture: How do Parts Fit Together? CM Node substrate CM Node substrate Components CM Node substrate Resource ControllerAuditing Archive Slice Manager RDSCSPSLSMS Infrastructure services... and others... Core node control sensor data
24 Scope of Research & Experiments Applications GENI Facility Substrate: Sharable Physical Infrastructure Backbones Edge Networks Numerous Wired, Mobile Wireless, and Sensor Networks Combination of All optical transport and Packet service networks Campus/Access Backbone E2E Architectures and Components Arch A Arch B Arch C Arch Comp Y Arch Comp X Arch Comp Z Service A Service B Service C Dist Sys YDist Sys XDist Sys Z Distributed Systems and Services Service-oriented Arch A Service-oriented Arch B
25 GENI Status Research programs –Several launched and others getting formulated Facility –Facility definition proceeding as per MREFC process –The big funding expected in FY10
26 GENI Status: Another Look Stage is set to focus on “reinventing the Internet” –Change of mindset –Priority setting and resource commitment –High level research direction and facility definition Fun begins: exciting opportunities/challenges –Identify specific research directions –Explore innovative ideas and rewarding research –Develop technologies and systems Help change the world -- one more time
27 Outline GENI research rationale GENI facility rationale and design Opportunities for participation Example architecture themes and systems
28 Opportunities for Participation Submit targeted proposals to programs –FIND, Cyber Trust, CSR, … Participate in GENI definition –Town hall meetings –Discussion lists –Working groups and planning group Plan to build and use components of GENI –CRI and MRI programs –Work with GENI Project Office Plan to use GENI –Propose and prototype exciting new architectures
29 Stanford’s Opportunity to Lead Shared vision: clean slate program Depth and breadth of expertise Availability of resources –University, industry, state, federal agencies Reinventing Internet is “Stanford-hard” challenge
30 Outline GENI research rationale GENI facility rationale and design Opportunities for participation Example architecture themes and systems
31 Architectural Themes Innovation oriented architecture (IOA) Service oriented architecture Technology driven cross layer architecture
32 IOA Theme Rationale Two extremes have dominated telecom so far –Phone network: smart network, dumb endpoints –Internet: dumb network and smart endpoints Reinvented Internet: can we have best of both? –Allow network providers to provide value added services –Empower end users to innovate –Allow user-centric innovations to migrate to networks “Democratization of Innovations” by Eric von Hippel Manufactured-centered and user-centric innovations
33 Empowers Network Providers & Users Supports virtual network, provides protection and isolation Empowers end users to create virtual networks of their spec Mobile Wireless Network Edge Site Sensor Network Federated Facilities
34 IOA Theme Challenges Overall architecture and protocols –Lot of hard problems to address Security –Off by default, flow/capability, virtual networks –New challenges with user’s virtual networks Applicability to cellular infrastructure Economic viability and new policy requirements
35 Service Oriented Architecture Theme Current services emphasis assumes Internet cannot be changed. What if we can do services and Internet together in a clean slate way? Internet does more than packet delivery –Information dissemination –Integration of sensor networks Data aggregation, data-oriented connectivity and search –Virtualization service customization, resource allocation & isolation –And more? Lot of interesting problems and opportunities
36 Technology Driven Architecture Theme Technologies offer new capabilities: how to exploit them? –Optical networks: dynamic circuits and topologies –Cognitive radios: flexible use of spectrum, dynamic topologies –Location awareness Technologies have peculiarities: how to expose them? –Wireless: error rate, fading, … –Sensor networks: energy efficiency tradeoffs Cross layer ideas show lot of potential Challenge and opportunity: how to create a workable architecture around cross layer ideas?
37 Future Internet Node: Wired Supports –Switching and routing –Programmability and virtualization –Multiple protocol stacks & user’s virtual networks Provides –High capacity –Smaller foot print –Lower power Exploits technologies –VLSI: ASIC, FPGA, multi-core, smart memories –Optical transmission within and outside the system –Opto-electronic switching and routing
38 Future Internet Node: Wireless Supports –Broad spectrum and multiple bands Cellular, fixed wireless, unlicensed bands, … –Programmable radio interfaces and cross-layer design –Modularity & programmability for virtual networks (new services) Provides –High capacity –Smaller foot print –Lower power Exploits technologies –Cross-layer optimization –MIMO –Software defined radios and cognitive radios –VLSI: ASIC, FPGA, multi-core, … –Commodity hardware: server blades
39 A Century of Innovations Infrastructure innovations have transformative impact on the society –Electrification –Water supply and distribution –Highways –Radio and television –Telephone –Internet Every established infrastructure has undergone major overhaul a few times –Internet cannot and will not be an exception
40 Summary Internet impacted the world in a way few inventions have –Federal agencies & research community played a critical role Urgent and important need to reinvent the Internet –We have an opportunity and obligation to lead GENI a compelling initiative in support of this mission The result may be even greater and far-reaching than the invention of current Internet Stanford has an opportunity to lead
41 Acknowledgments The GENI Planning Group –Peterson, Anderson, Blumenthal, Casey, Clark, Estrin, Evans, McKeown, Raychaudhuri, Reiter, Rexford, Shenker, Turner, Wroclawski, The GENI Working Groups –Research Coordination –Facility Architecture –Backbone –Mobile wireless sensor networks –Distributed services Planning grant workshops participants CISE GENI Team And others
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