CERN Summary Ian Bird eInfrastructure Workshop 9 December, 2003
CERN Key themes Collaboration – at all levels – overarching theme through the day, –This is key – do not reinvent wheels –Build on existing expertise – e.g. networks Many national grid efforts – very significant –How to pull them together coherently – what is mechanism for sharing experiences and work? Software as infrastructure – OMII –Essential for production and interoperation –Production is expensive –Cannot be isolated – must be worldwide Technical –Authentication, Authorization, …Security - collaborate –Global File System – user view must be intuitive –Last mile solutions –Interoperability – same middleware –Need systems approach
CERN Key Themes - 2 Policy issues: –Must be addressed up front – very broad activity –Understanding how to build SLAs – major effort –How to allocate (account, charge) grid resources –Cannot be anything but collaborative – worldwide –Lessons from GEANT and others Use by Industry –Strong requirements – usability, security, robustness – not really addressed yet Social engineering: –Potential to affect the way people learn, work, etc. –How should we collaborate to make this work Other points –Open Source software –Importance of end-to-end view of services (more than just network, grid)