Ceramics 1 Week Fourteen
Overlapping Techniques used to indicate depth of space Helps viewers understand which objects are nearer and which objects are further away
Aesthetics Philosophy dealing with the nature of beauty Attempts to judge what is beautiful and what is not
Art The conscience use of skill and creative imagination in the production of aesthetic objects
Artifact Production of civilization Man-made object
Culture The ABC’s of civilization A=arts, B=beliefs C=customs
Sumerian A culture that existed 4000 years ago
Cuneiform Oldest known language of the world Sumerians used a sheet of leather hard clay and a pointed stick like we use paper and pencils
Mesopotamian Ceramic art dating 4,000 years ago was the first depiction of people using chariots with wheels!
Creative Problem Solving: Don’t reinvent the wheel!!! Copy a Good Idea Copyrights and patents are "intellectual property", but ideas and concepts belong to everybody. They are in the public domain - always have been.
Why reinvent the wheel? Save time! The Mesopotamian culture invented the wheel centuries ago
Percy Principle #7 Never borrow other artist's ideas Steal 'em! Ideas are free for the taking! Percy Principles of Art and Composition
On Right: Escher 1955 On Left: Alfano 2007
Apply to your project Round neck Curving lines in hair Indian culture Brass Buddha
Roman Man Square shoulders Square lips Square Brow